我可以从 Jawbone UP API 检索和存储多少数据?

How much data can I retrieve and store from the Jawbone UP API?

直接从 API 支持联系人重新发布。

我想知道每次 API 通话可以访问多少天的数据?如果有限制,我们可以回到多远的时间?

您是否限制了 API 调用的数量。


每个端点都有自己的方法和参数来随时间检索数据,但一般来说,UP API 不会限制您可以在单个调用中请求的数据量。


唯一的限制是特定 UP 用户拥有多少历史数据。

这是来自 moves endpoint.

的示例 request/response


GET https://jawbone.com/nudge/api/v.1.1/users/@me/moves?start_time=1383289200 HTTP/1.1
Host: jawbone.com


(滚动到底部可以看到 下一个 link)

      “user_xid”: “6xl39CsoVp2KirfHwVq_Fx”,
      “message”: “OK”,
      “code”: 200
      "time": 1386122022
         "xid": "40F7_htRRnQwoMjIFucJ2g",
         "title": "16,804 steps",
         "type": "move",
         "time_created": 1384963500,
         "time_updated": 1385049599,
         "time_completed": 1385099220,
         "date": 20131121
         "snapshot_image": "/nudge/image/e/1385107737/40F7_htRRnQwoMjIFucJ2g/grEGutn_XYZ.png"
            "distance": 14745,
            "km": 14.745,
            "steps": 16804,
            "active_time": 11927,
            "longest_active": 2516,
            "inactive_time": 32760,
            "longest_idle": 27180,
            "calories": 1760.30480012,
            "bmr_day": 1697.47946931,
            "bmr": 1697.47946931,
            "bg_calories": 1099.9439497,
            "wo_calories": 388.506116077,
            "wo_time": 11484,
            "wo_active_time": 3902,
            "wo_count": 2,
            "wo_longest": 2516,
            "sunrise": 1409578680,
            "sunset": 1409625420,
            "tz": "America/Los Angeles",
               [1384963500, "America/Phoenix"],
               [1385055720, "America/Los_Angeles"]
                    "distance": 1324,
                    "calories": 90.0120018125,
                    "steps": 1603,
                    "active_time": 793,
                    "inactive_time": 220,
                    "longest_active_time": 302,
                    "longest_idle_time": 780
                    "distance": 626,
                    "calories": 47.0120018125,
                    "steps": 455,
                    "active_time": 246,
                    "inactive_time": 260,
                    "longest_active_time": 203,
                    "longest_idle_time": 650
                ... more hours ...
      ... more items ....
         "next": "/nudge/api/v.1.1/users/6xl39CsoVp2KirfHwVq_Fx/moves?page_token=1384390680"
      “size”: 10

UP API 不会限制您可以拨打的电话数量。但是,API 确实有速率限制,这可以防止您在短时间内发出大量请求。以下是 FAQ:


What is the rate limit for your API?

The API includes very high rate-limiting safety valves that should be more than enough for the standard application. If you find that your application is exceeding these limits, please let us know your intended use and call volume, so we can review the provisions.

最后,没有任何规则会阻止您存储从 API 中检索到的数据。唯一的要求是您遵守 UP API terms 中概述的隐私和数据删除政策。