
Boolean not changing in thread

我有一个 class MPClient 和 MultiplayerMatch。 MultiplayerMatch 在他的构造函数中创建了一个 MPClient 运行nable 线程。

为了避免数据溢出,我在 MultiplayerMatch 中有一个名为 "moved" 的布尔值,当玩家移动时它会变为 true。

在 updateMatch 方法中,如果有任何玩家移动,"moved" 变为 true,这允许 MPClient 输入一个 if 语句(在 while 内)。这样 MPClient 仅在游戏发生变化时才向服务器发送数据。

然而,当标志为真时,在 MPClient 中没有注册更改! MPClient 仍然 "thinks" 移动等于 false,即使在 MultiplayerMatch 中更改了该标志之后,结果,没有任何内容被发送到服务器...

经过几次测试,我注意到如果我在调试模式下 运行 它,因为我有一些断点,该更改被注册并且一切正常! 为什么在调试模式下布尔值仅更改 "seen"?是不是和app有关系"running speed",因为有断点?


MP 客户端:

public class MPClient {
static final int TIME_OUT = 5000;
Client client;
MultiPlayMatch match;

public MPClient(String name, int team, MultiPlayMatch match) {
    this.match = match;
    client = new Client();


    try {
        client.connect(TIME_OUT, "", Network.PORT);
    } catch (IOException e) {

    /*this comment is just to show that here is the place where the login information is sent to the server, instead of showing all the code*/

    PlayerInfo playerInfo = new PlayerInfo();
    Network.UpdatePlayer updatePlayer = new Network.UpdatePlayer();
    updatePlayer.name = name;
    updatePlayer.team = team;

    while(true) {
        if(match.moved) {       //--> this is the variable that is always false
            playerInfo.x = match.getClientPlayerX(team);
            playerInfo.y = match.getClientPlayerY(team);

            updatePlayer.x = playerInfo.x;
            updatePlayer.y = playerInfo.y;
            match.moved = false;


private void addListeners() {
    client.addListener(new Listener.ThreadedListener(new Listener() {
        public void received(Connection connection, Object object) {
            if(object instanceof Network.UpdatePlayer) {
                Network.UpdatePlayer updatePlayer = (Network.UpdatePlayer) object;
                match.setPlayerPosition(updatePlayer.x, updatePlayer.y, updatePlayer.name, updatePlayer.team);


public class MultiPlayMatch extends Match {

public boolean moved;

public MultiPlayMatch(){

    Random r = new Random();
    int aux = r.nextInt(2);
    aux = 0;
    if(aux == 0){
        homeTeam = new Team("Benfica", Team.TeamState.Attacking, w);
        visitorTeam = new Team("Porto", Team.TeamState.Defending, w);
    } else{
        homeTeam = new Team("Benfica", Team.TeamState.Defending, w);
        visitorTeam = new Team("Porto", Team.TeamState.Attacking, w);

    numberOfPlayers = 0;
    moved = false;

public void updateMatch(float x, float y, Rain rain, float dt) {
    homeTeam.updateControlledPlayerOnline(x, y);

    w.step(Constants.GAME_SIMULATION_SPEED, 6, 2);

    if(x != 0 || y != 0) moved = true;      //this is the place the variable is changed, but if it isn't in debug mode, MPClient thinks it's always false

public void setPlayerPosition(float x, float y, String name, int team) {
    if(team == 0)
        homeTeam.changePlayerPosition(x, y, name);
        visitorTeam.changePlayerPosition(x, y, name);

这是因为它正在读取 match.moved 变量的缓存值而不是最新的值。为避免这种情况,将变量声明为 volatile

public volatile boolean moved;
