尽管设置了 CPU_Only,但仍使用 GPU,产生意外的关键字参数

Using GPU despite setting CPU_Only, yielding unexpected keyword argument

我正在 Ubuntu 14.04 虚拟服务器上安装 Caffe,并使用 https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/wiki/Ubuntu-14.04-VirtualBox-VM 作为灵感安装了 CUDA(没有驱动程序)。在安装过程中,我在构建之前编辑了 MakeFile 以包含 "CPU_ONLY := 1"。但是,Caffe 似乎仍在尝试利用 GPU。当我尝试 运行 一个测试示例时,出现以下错误:

python python/classify.py examples/images/cat.jpg foo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "python/classify.py", line 130, in <module>
  File "python/classify.py", line 103, in main
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'gpu'

如何解决此问题并 运行 完全在 CPU 上?

由于caffe开发人员引入的大量接口更改,目前存在一些问题。 Python 包装器尚未使用这些更改进行更新。

查看修复问题的 PR:https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/pull/1964

我要对 Mailerdaimon 的回答补充几句话。

我按照安装指南 (https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/wiki/Ubuntu-14.04-VirtualBox-VM) to setup Caffe in my vagrant virtual machine. FYI, virtual machines DO NOT support GPU accelerating. Back to the point, after I fix 'CPU / GPU switch in example scripts'(https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/pull/2058) and add '--print_results --labels_file' options(https://github.com/jetpacapp/caffe/blob/master/python/classify.py) 'python/classify.py',这个命令 './python/classify.py ./examples/images/cat.jpg foo --print_results'仍然抛出以下错误:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./python/classify.py", line 175, in <module>
  File "./python/classify.py", line 129, in main
  File "/home/vagrant/caffe/python/caffe/classifier.py", line 38, in __init__
    self.transformer.set_mean(in_, mean)
  File "/home/vagrant/caffe/python/caffe/io.py", line 267, in set_mean
    raise ValueError('Mean shape incompatible with input shape.')
  ValueError: Mean shape incompatible with input shape.

然后我转储'mean'(3*256*256)和'input'(3*227*227)的形状。显然这两种形状是不相容的。但是旧版本的 'set_mean()' 不会抛出错误,所以我深入研究了 python 代码并发现旧的 'set_mean()' 函数看起来像这样(python/caffe/pycaffe.py, line 195-202, https://github.com/jetpacapp/caffe/):

if mode == 'elementwise':
    if mean.shape != in_shape[1:]:
        # Resize mean (which requires H x W x K input in range [0,1]).
        m_min, m_max = mean.min(), mean.max()
        normal_mean = (mean - m_min) / (m_max - m_min)
        mean = caffe.io.resize_image(normal_mean.transpose((1,2,0)),
                in_shape[2:]).transpose((2,0,1)) * (m_max - m_min) + m_min

但在最新的Caffe中,贡献者将'set_mean()'等转换函数封装成class 'Transformer'。新的 'set_mean()' 函数如下所示(python/caffe/io.py,第 253-254 行,https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/):

if ms != self.inputs[in_][1:]:
    raise ValueError('Mean shape incompatible with input shape.')

天哪,这两个怎么是同一个功能?所以我更改了新的 'set_mean()',注释掉错误提示语句,并添加了与旧的 'set_mean()'.

if ms != ins:
    in_shape = self.inputs[in_][1:]
    m_min, m_max = mean.min(), mean.max()
    normal_mean = (mean - m_min) / (m_max - m_min)
    mean = resize_image(normal_mean.transpose((1,2,0)),
                        in_shape[1:]).transpose((2,0,1)) * \
                        (m_max - m_min) + m_min
    raise ValueError('Mean shape incompatible with input shape.')


Classifying 1 inputs.
Done in 1.17 s.
[('tabby', '0.27933'), ('tiger cat', '0.21915'), ('Egyptian cat', '0.16064'), ('lynx', '0.12844'), ('kit fox', '0.05155')]






Google Group: Mean shape incompatible with input shape

用户 2696499 只有一个错字

if ms != inputs[in_][1:]
    in_shape = self.inputs[in_][1:]
    m_min, m_max = mean.min(), mean.max()
    normal_mean = (mean - m_min) / (m_max - m_min)
    mean = resize_image(normal_mean.transpose((1,2,0)),
                        in_shape[1:]).transpose((2,0,1)) * \
                        (m_max - m_min) + m_min
    raise ValueError('Mean shape incompatible with input shape.')