
Getting the calling variable name of a parameter

关于问题 Get the name of parameters from a calling method and Finding the Variable Name passed to a Function in C# 我仍在寻找一种方法来定义 WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED 方法:我想知道用作参数的变量的名称:

public class Farm
    public readonly string Cow = "Muuuuhh";

    public string Cat { get; set; }

    public void MainFunction()
        var dog = "WauWau";
        var kiwi = new Bird("QueeeekQueeek");

        Cat = "Miiiaaauuuu";

        // This one works but looks kinda ugly and is cumbersome when used
        WhatDoesTheAnimalSay(nameof(dog), dog);
        WhatDoesTheAnimalSay(nameof(Cow), Cow);
        WhatDoesTheAnimalSay(nameof(Cat), Cat);
        WhatDoesTheAnimalSay(nameof(kiwi), kiwi);



    public void WhatDoesTheAnimalSay<T>(string name, T says)
        MessageBox.Show("The " + name + " says: " + says);
        // Shows i.e.: The dog says: WauWau

    public void WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WRONG1<T>(T says)
        MessageBox.Show("The " + nameof(says) + " says: " + says);
        // Shows: The says says: WauWau

    public void WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WRONG2<T>(T says, [CallerMemberName] string name = null)
        MessageBox.Show("The " + name + " says: " + says);
        // Shows: The MainFunction says: WauWau
    public void WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED<T>(T says /*, ?????*/)
        MessageBox.Show("The " /*+ ?????*/ + " says: " + says);
        // Shows: The dog says: WauWau

// Just here to show it should work with a class as well.
public class Bird
    public string Says { get; } //readonly
    public Bird(string says) {
        Says = says;
    public override string ToString()
        return Says;

在现实生活中,我在使用自定义 reader.Read...writer.Write.... 方法在我的 class 中实现 IXmlSerializable 接口时需要这个。

所以,不幸的是,我不能引入新包装class、接口或更改动物名称的位置或它所说的已保存。这意味着它必须与 classes 以及 纯字符串、整数、小数……变量、字段或属性 一起使用。 换句话说(不是粗鲁的方式):不要改变动物的定义方式,只需改变 WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED 方法...


由于你们中有些人想知道这个示例的真实用例,我在这里向你们介绍我如何在 xml 文件中存储和读取数据。真正的数据库对象当然更大,所有子 classes(如 Fitter)也使用相同的扩展方法实现 IXmlSerializable 接口。

    // This is the Database Class which stores all the data
    public class Database : IXmlSerializable
        // The list of all building sites managed
        public List<BuildingSite> BuildingSites { get; set; }

        // The list of all fitters working for the company
        public List<Fitter> Fitters { get; set; }

        private readonly int DatabaseVersion = 1;

        // Write implementation of the IXmlSerializable inteface
        public void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer)
            // Writing all Data into the xml-file
            writer.WriteElementInt(nameof(DatabaseVersion), DatabaseVersion);
            writer.WriteElementList(nameof(BuildingSites), BuildingSites);
            writer.WriteElementList(nameof(Fitters), Fitters);
        public void ReadXml(XmlReader reader)
            // Do the reading here
        public XmlSchema GetSchema() { return null; }


    public class XmlExtensions
        // Writing a list into the xml-file
        public static void WriteElementList<T>(this XmlWriter writer, string elementName, IEnumerable<T> items)
            var list = items is List<T> ? items : items.ToList();

            // The XML-Element should have the name of the variable in Database!!!
            writer.WriteAttributeString("count", list.Count().ToString());
            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
            list.ForEach(o => serializer.Serialize(writer, o, XmlHelper.XmlNamespaces));
        public static void WriteElementInt(this XmlWriter writer, string elementName, int toWrite)
            // The XMLElement should have the name of the variable in Database!!!
            writer.WriteElementString(elementName, toWrite.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

        // More here....


有替代品,你列出了一些。另一种选择是将变量名称作为 属性 放在 class 中。无论如何,这将是更好的设计,因为应用程序中的数据不应该依赖于变量名。如果有人重命名所有变量,您的应用程序应该以相同的方式工作。

其他语言如 C/C++ 系列使用预处理器宏来实现此目的,但它们在 C# 中不可用。您可能可以在 C++/CLI 中实现这一点,但只能在内部没有选择将此类宏导出到编译单元 and/or 程序集之外的选项。

所以 ,抱歉,即使使用 C# 6 及其新功能,这也是不可能的。它不应该是。想想你的设计,你可能会想出一个更好的。


public void WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED(Expression<Func<object>> expression)
    var body = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
    var variableName = body.Member.Name;

    var func = expression.Compile();
    var variableValue = func();

    MessageBox.Show("The "+ variableName + " says: " + variableValue);



WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED(() => dog)
WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED(() => Cow)
WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED(() => Cat)
WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED(() => kiwi)


const string constValue = "Constant Value";

WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED(() => constValue)


WhatDoesTheAnimalSay_WANTED(() => "Constant Value")

制作 ConstantExpression 类型的 expression.Body,这会在运行时产生异常。



您可以从下面的评论中注意到,使用 lambda 表达式来收集变量名似乎存在争议。

正如@CodeCaster 在 中指出的那样,没有正式规定编译器需要在匿名包装class 中为捕获的成员取一个局部变量的同名。


The ability to treat expressions as data structures enables APIs to receive user code in a format that can be inspected, transformed, and processed in a custom manner.


尽管 Microsoft 可能出于某种原因更改此行为,但似乎没有这样做的合乎逻辑的需要。依靠 principle of least astonishment 我会说可以安全地假设 ()=> dogBody 属性 是 MemberExpression 类型的表达式,body.Member.Name 解析为 dog.

如果 Body 还需要其他类型,则该方法必须多做一些。而且这在某些情况下也可能不起作用。