如何在 jQuery 中创建具有 header 行和可折叠详细信息行的 table

How to create a table with header rows and collapsible details rows in jQuery

我在 jQuery Ajax 调用中从 Web 服务接收数据,如下所示:

                "Task_Name":"01 Internal Plaster ",
                "material_name":"CEMENT 43 GRADE",
                "Task_Name":"01 Internal Plaster ",
                "material_name":"CEMENT 43 GRADE ",
                "Task_Name":"01 Internal Plaster ",
                "material_name":"NATURAL SAND ",

这只是一条记录我收到了多条这样的记录。这里 'grpRecord' 应该是 table header 和 'lstRecords' 包含行详细信息。现在我的问题是,我想将 'grpRecord' 显示为 table 行,将 'lstrRecords' 作为行详细信息显示为可折叠的行详细信息。


  <script type="text/javascript">
        function callAjax() {

            //Ajax call for drill down data START
                type: 'POST',
                dataType: 'json',
                cache: false,
                url: '@Url.Action("index", "test")',
                data: {},
                success: function (response, textStatus, jqXHR) {

                    // document.write(JSON.stringify(response));

                error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    alert('Error - ' + errorThrown);

            //Ajax call for drill down data END

            //function to bind json to table STart
            function bindTable(response) {

                var data = response;
                alert("Response recieved");
                for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {


                        drawHeader(data[i], ParentID);


                $('.DynamicTable').html('<tbody>' + createTable("0").join('') + '</tbody>');


            //function to bind json to table  End
            //$("#tabHead").append('<li ><a data-toggle="tab" href="#drillData">Drill Down</a></li>'); //creating tab head

        function bindHeader()
//code to bind header


        function bindDetail()

//code to bind details


 //Ajax call for drill down data START
                type: 'POST',
                dataType: 'json',
                cache: false,
                url: '@Url.Action("GetWBSReportDrillDown", "WBSBudget")',
                data: { FieldId: feildId, ProjNo: ProID, TaskNo: taskNo, TreeId: treeId, FromDate: FrmDate, ToDate: TDate, UserName: "aa", CompName: "aa" },
                success: function (response, textStatus, jqXHR) {

                    // document.write(JSON.stringify(response));

                error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    alert('Error - ' + errorThrown);

            //Ajax call for drill down data END

            //function to bind json to table STart
            function bindTable(response) {

                var data = response; 
                function createTable(parentID) {
                    return data.filter(function (node) { return (node.parent_id === parentID); }).sort(function (a, b) { return a.name > b.name }).map(function (node) {

                        return '<tr id="' + node.id + '" level="' + node.depth + '" class="' + node.depth + '"><td type="' + node.type + '"  id="' + node.id + '" level="' + node.depth + '" pid="' + node.parent_id + '" level="' + node.depth + '" ><span class="level' + node.depth + ' spn" ><img src="Design/images/plus.gif" class="testnode" ></img></span><span class="nodename" id="' + node.id + '" nodetype="' + node.type + '"  title="' + node.name + '">' + node.name + '</span></td><td>' + node.id + '</td><td>' + node.type + '</td></tr>';


                $('.DynamicTable').html('<tbody>' + createTable("0").join('') + '</tbody>');

                $(document).on("click", ".testnode", function (e) {

                    if (($(this).attr('src')) == 'Design/images/plus.gif') {

                        $(this).attr('src', 'Design/images/minus.gif');
                        var val = $(this).parent().parent().parent();
                        var parentID = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('id');
                    else {
                        $(this).attr('src', 'Design/images/plus.gif');

                        var level = $(this).parent().parent('td').attr('level');
                        var tr = $(this).parent().parent().parent('tr');

                        while (tr.next().prop("tagName") == "TR") {
                            // var level = tr.next().children().attr("level");
                            if (tr.next().children().attr("level") != level) {
                                //   alert(tr.next().children().attr("level") + " != " + level);
                                if (tr.next().children().attr("level") >= level) {
                                    //  alert(tr.next().children().attr("level") + " > " + level);
                            else {
                            tr = tr.next();


            //function to bind json to table  End
            $("#tabHead").append('<li ><a data-toggle="tab" href="#drillData">Drill Down</a></li>'); //creating tab head


    <div id="drillData" class="tab-pane fade">     
<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table table-hover DynamicTable" ></table>