Scalaz Reader 至 ReaderT
Scalaz Reader to ReaderT
我无法更改的函数 returns Scalaz Reader
type Action[A] = Reader[Session, A]
def findAccount(s: String): Action[Account] =
Reader((session: Session) => Account(s))
我想创建一个基于 findAccount(...)
到 return ReaderT[Option, Session, A]
type ActionT[A] = ReaderT[Option, Session, A]
def findAccountT(s: String): ActionT[Account] = findAccount(s).map(Option(_))
def findAccBalT(accountNumber: String) = for {
acc <- findAccountT(accountNumber)
bal <- findBalanceT(acc)
} yield bal
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
trait Session {
def doSomething(): Unit
case class Account(number: String) extends AnyVal
case class Amount(value: Int, currency: String)
case class DBSession() extends Session {
override def doSomething = println("writing to db")
type Action[A] = Reader[Session, A]
type ActionT[A] = ReaderT[Option, Session, A]
def findAccount(s: String): Action[Account] =
Reader((session: Session) => Account(s))
def findBalance(account: Account): Action[Amount] =
Reader((session: Session) => Amount(333, "S$"))
// failed
def findAccountT(s: String): ActionT[Account] = findAccount(s).map(Option(_))
// failed
def findBalanceT(account: Account): ActionT[Amount] = findBalance(account).map(Option(_))
// failed
def findAccBalT(accountNumber: String) = for {
acc <- findAccountT(accountNumber)
bal <- findBalanceT(acc)
} yield bal
简答:您可以使用 mapK
is a type alias for ReaderT[Id, A]
and ReaderT
is an alias for Kleisli
. Id[A]
等同于 A
在 Kleisli
ScalaDoc 中我们找到 mapK
def mapK[N[_], C](f: (M[B]) => N[C]): Kleisli[N, A, C]
因为我们知道 Reader[Session, A]
与 Kleisli[Id, Session, A]
相同,我们可以使用 mapK
转到 Kleisli[Option, Session, A]
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
type Session = String
type Action[A] = Reader[Session, A]
type ActionT[A] = ReaderT[Option, Session, A]
val action: Action[String] = Reader(s => s)
val actionT: ActionT[String] = action mapK Option.apply