理解这段涉及指针、数组和 new 运算符的代码

Understanding this code involving pointers, arrays, and the new operator


class IntegerArray { 
   int *data;   
   int size; 
int main() {   
   IntegerArray arr;   
   arr.size = 2;   
   arr.data = new int[arr.size];   
   arr.data[0] = 4; arr.data[1] = 5;   
   delete[] a.data; 

arr.data = new int[arr.size]移至构造函数后,变为

class IntegerArray { 
   int *data;   
   int size;   
   IntegerArray(int size) {     
      data = new int[size];     
      this->size = size;   
int main() {   
   IntegerArray arr(2);   
   arr.data[0] = 4; arr.data[1] = 5;      
   delete[] arr.data; 


IntegerArray(int size) {     
   data = new int[size];     
   this->size = size;   

int 大小是否与 class IntegerArray 中声明的 int 大小相同?

难道data = new int[size]只是告诉我们data指向int大小的数组输出,而new说数组的大小是可变的?

难道this-> size = size只是一个指针,告诉我们构造函数的size值刚好等于class的size参数吗?

为什么在 IntegerArray arr(2) 之后还要提到 arr.data[0]arr.data[1]?他们似乎不遵循构造函数,但我可能太累了无法理解那部分。

this->size = size //the fist size is your member variable which is inside IntegerArray. the 2nd size is the size you give over to the Method
data = new int[size];  // here you are creating a new array with the size of "size"

方法 IntegerArray(int size) 是构造方法,每个对象只能调用一次(即使在创建对象时)

int main() //the startpoint of your program
    IntegerArray arr(2);   //you are creating a new object with a size of 2
    arr.data[0] = 4; arr.data[1] = 5;   //because of your array is public, you can call it direct from outside (you sould define it as private ore protected). arr.data[0] is the first item of the array, arr.data[1] is the 2nd item
    delete[] arr.data; 

删除[] arr.data;应该在 class...

IntegerArray(int size) {     
    data = new int[size];     
    this->size = size;   

Is int size just the same as ...

这个int size:

IntegerArray(int size) {


Does data = new int[size] just tell us ...

new int[size] 动态分配一个数组,其中包含 sizeint 个对象。 data 然后分配指针指向新创建的数组。

Is this-> size = size just a pointer ...

没有。 this 是一个特殊的指针,在构造函数中指向正在构造的对象。 this->size是这里声明的成员变量:

class IntegerArray { 
   int *data;   
   int size;

完整的表达式this->size = size将作为构造函数参数的值size赋值给成员变量size

Why are arr.data[0] and arr.data[1] even mentioned after IntegerArray arr(2)?
