Invoke 的潜在同步问题?

Potential sync issues with Invoke?


    public void worker()
        while (true)

            int index = -1;
                index = this.comboBoxSource.SelectedIndex;

            // using index here

据我了解,Invoke 是异步启动的。在我使用 index 的地方不能保证 Invoke 会完成它的工作,我是对的吗?如果是这样,我怎样才能使 Invoke 成为阻塞操作?

As I understand Invoke is launched asynchronously.

不,Invoke 是同步的,因为它会阻塞,直到委托在 UI 线程中完成。不幸的是,Control.Invoke(Delegate). The other overload (Control.Invoke(Delegate, object[]) states that it's the implementation of ISynchronizeInvoke.Invoke 中没有明确记录这更清楚:

Unlike BeginInvoke, this method operates synchronously, that is, it waits until the process completes before returning. Exceptions raised during the call are propagated back to the caller.