运行 将用户表单数据添加到 table 时出现时间错误“91”

Run Time Error '91' When adding userform data to table

我正在尝试将简单数据输入到用户表单中的两个文本框中,然后将此数据添加到名为 "AvantAct" 的 table 中。每次用户表单为 运行 时,我都希望将数据输入到 table 的第一个空白行中。有趣的是,我第一次这样做时它完美无缺。但是,退出工作簿然后稍后再返回后,我似乎得到:-

Run time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set.


tbl.DataBodyRange(lrow2, 1). Value = Me.TxtDate.Value

我应该补充一点,我的 table 目前是空的(新插入的)table。它有 8 列(headers),一个空行(从插入开始)和一整行。


Private Sub SubmitButton_Click()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim tbl As ListObject
Dim TxtDate As Date
Dim TxtPmt As Currency
Dim col As Integer
Dim lrow As Range
Dim lrow2 As Long

Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Avant")
Set tbl = ws.ListObjects.Item("AvantAct")

If tbl.ListRows.Count > 0 Then
    Set lrow = tbl.ListRows(tbl.ListRows.Count).Range
    For col = 1 To lrow.Columns.Count
        If Trim(CStr(lrow.Cells(1, col).Value)) <> "" Then
            Exit For
        End If
    Next col
End If

lrow2 = tbl.ListRows.Count
tbl.DataBodyRange(lrow2, 1).Value = Me.TxtDate.Value
tbl.DataBodyRange(lrow2, 3).Value = Me.TxtPmt.Value

Unload Me

End Sub

问题是因为 table 开头是空的。

If tbl.ListRows.Count > 0 Then
    Set lrow = tbl.ListRows(tbl.ListRows.Count).Range
End If

因为计数不大于零(它是零)lrow 从未设置,因此出现错误。

If tbl.ListRows.Count = 0 Then
    Set lrow = tbl.ListRows(tbl.ListRows.Count).Range
End If


I want the data entered into the first blank row

代码没有这样做,代码只检查最后一行,如果它不为空则添加一行,所以在 5 行中第三行为空的列表中,不会使用第三行,而是在底部添加一行。以下将如您所愿:-

Private Sub SubmitButton_Click()
Dim ws          As Worksheet
Dim tbl         As ListObject
Dim TxtDate     As Date
Dim TxtPmt      As Currency
Dim col         As Integer
Dim lrow        As Range
Dim lrow2       As Long
Dim BlnYesNo    As Boolean

Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Avant")
Set tbl = ws.ListObjects.Item("AvantAct")

If tbl.ListRows.Count = 0 Then
    lrow2 = 1
    For lrow2 = 1 To tbl.ListRows.Count
        Set lrow = tbl.ListRows(lrow2).Range

            'If it stays true, we must add a row
            BlnYesNo = True

            For col = 1 To lrow.Columns.Count
                If Trim(CStr(lrow.Cells(1, col).Value)) <> "" Then
                    BlnYesNo = False
                    Exit For
                End If

            If BlnYesNo Then Exit For

        Set lrow = Nothing

    'If its false then all rows had data and we need to add a row
    If Not BlnYesNo Then
        lrow2 = tbl.ListRows.Count
    End If

End If

tbl.DataBodyRange(lrow2, 1).Value = "A"
tbl.DataBodyRange(lrow2, 3).Value = "B"

Set tbl = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing

End Sub