Silverlight 浏览器外应用程序能否转换为通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 应用程序?
Can a Silverlight out-of-browser app be converted to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app?
Microsoft 的这篇文章:Guide to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps 声明您可以 convert your classic desktop application (like Win32, Windows Forms, and WPF) or game to a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app or game
对于 Silverlight
遗憾的是,没有简单且完全自动化的方法将您的 Silverlight 应用程序移植到 UWP,主要是因为 API 足迹已在 2 个平台之间更改和更新。有很多相似之处,但也有很多需要手动更改的重大更改。
不确定这是否是您在问题中要引用的文章,但 here 是 Microsoft 对此升级路径的指导。
Note This guide is designed to help you port your Windows Phone Silverlight app to Windows 10 manually. In addition to using the information in this guide to port your app, you can try the developer preview of Mobilize.NET's Silverlight Bridge to help automate the porting process. This tool analyzes your app's source code and converts references to Windows Phone Silverlight controls and APIs to their UWP counterparts. Because this tool is still in developer preview, it does not yet handle all conversion scenarios. However, most developers should be able to save some time and effort by starting with this tool. To try the developer preview, visit Mobilize.NET's website.
Microsoft 的这篇文章:Guide to Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps 声明您可以 convert your classic desktop application (like Win32, Windows Forms, and WPF) or game to a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app or game
对于 Silverlight
遗憾的是,没有简单且完全自动化的方法将您的 Silverlight 应用程序移植到 UWP,主要是因为 API 足迹已在 2 个平台之间更改和更新。有很多相似之处,但也有很多需要手动更改的重大更改。
不确定这是否是您在问题中要引用的文章,但 here 是 Microsoft 对此升级路径的指导。
Note This guide is designed to help you port your Windows Phone Silverlight app to Windows 10 manually. In addition to using the information in this guide to port your app, you can try the developer preview of Mobilize.NET's Silverlight Bridge to help automate the porting process. This tool analyzes your app's source code and converts references to Windows Phone Silverlight controls and APIs to their UWP counterparts. Because this tool is still in developer preview, it does not yet handle all conversion scenarios. However, most developers should be able to save some time and effort by starting with this tool. To try the developer preview, visit Mobilize.NET's website.