如何从 2 List<Point> 中获取最近的 2 Points

How to get the closest 2 Points from 2 List<Point>

我有 2 个点列表:

        var listA = new List<Point>();
        listA.Add(new Point(10, 1));
        listA.Add(new Point(5, 5));
        listA.Add(new Point(15, 35));

        var listB = new List<Point>();
        listB.Add(new Point(1, 1));
        listB.Add(new Point(5, 4));
        listB.Add(new Point(35, 15));


        getClosesPoints(listA,listB, Out pointA, Out pointB);

我目前可以再次检查列表 1 点

        private int NearestPoint(Point srcPt, List<Point> lookIn)
            if (lookIn.Count == 1)
                return 0;

            KeyValuePair<double, int> smallestDistance = new KeyValuePair<double, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < lookIn.Count; i++)
                double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(srcPt.X - lookIn[i].X, 2) + Math.Pow(srcPt.Y - lookIn[i].Y, 2));

                if (i == 0)
                    smallestDistance = new KeyValuePair<double, int>(distance, i);
                else if (distance < smallestDistance.Key)
                        smallestDistance = new KeyValuePair<double, int>(distance, i);

            Console.WriteLine("smallest Distance:" + smallestDistance.Key);
            return smallestDistance.Value;

但我不确定如何扩展此代码以检查 2 个列表。

如果您 return 来自您的方法的整个键值对,您将能够使用一个简单的循环从一个点扩展到整个列表:

KeyValuePoint<double,int> best = new KeyValuePair<double,int>(double.MaxValue, -1);
int best2 = -1;
for (int i = 0 ; i != list2.Count ; i++) {
    Point pt = list2[i];
    KeyValuePoint<double,int> current = NearestPoint(pt, list1);
    if (current.Key < best.Key) {
        best = current;
        best2 = i;





您还可以创建一个简单的小 class 来 return 最近的两点,而不是 return 通过 out 参数计算结果。为方便起见,您可以向此 class 添加一个 Distance() 函数,这样您就不需要存储实际距离。 (但是,如果您经常使用此值,那么您可能希望将距离缓存在本地字段中,而不是每次都计算它。)

最后,FindClosestPoints() 方法的参数可以是 IEnumerable<Point> 而不是 List<Point>,这允许您将它用于更多的集合类型。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Demo
    // Class just used to return the result from FindClosestPoints()

    public sealed class ClosestPoints
        public ClosestPoints(Point p1, Point p2)
            _p1 = p1;
            _p2 = p2;

        public Point P1 { get { return _p1; } }
        public Point P2 { get { return _p2; } }

        public double Distance()
            double dx = P1.X - P2.X;
            double dy = P1.Y - P2.Y;

            return Math.Sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);

        private readonly Point _p1;
        private readonly Point _p2;

    public static class Program
        public static void Main()
            var listA = new List<Point>();
            listA.Add(new Point(10, 1));
            listA.Add(new Point(5, 5));
            listA.Add(new Point(15, 35));

            var listB = new List<Point>();
            listB.Add(new Point(1, 1));
            listB.Add(new Point(5, 4));
            listB.Add(new Point(35, 15));

            var answer = FindClosestPoints(listA, listB);

            Console.WriteLine("Closest points are {0} and {1}", answer.P1, answer.P2);

        public static ClosestPoints FindClosestPoints(IEnumerable<Point> seq1, IEnumerable<Point> seq2)
            double closest = double.MaxValue;
            ClosestPoints result = null;

            foreach (var p1 in seq1)
                foreach (var p2 in seq2)
                    double dx = p1.X - p2.X;
                    double dy = p1.Y - p2.Y;

                    double distance = dx*dx + dy*dy;

                    if (distance >= closest)

                    result = new ClosestPoints(p1, p2);
                    closest = distance;

            return result;

我们称这两组点为S1和S2。令 p1 为 S1 的迭代器,p2 为 S2 的迭代器。让 valueAt 成为一个函数,它告诉迭代器位置(如 p1 或 p2)的值。设 dist 是计算两点之间距离的函数。并且,设 dmin 为保持两点之间距离的变量。


  • sort S1 and S2
  • if valueAt (p1) < valueAt (p2)
    { d = dist (p1, p2 ); if ( dmin > dist ( p1, p2 ) ) { dmin = dist (p1, p2); record p1 and p2 as closest; }

    increment p1;


  • if valueAt (p1) > valueAt (p2)
    { d = dist (p1, p2 ); if ( dmin > dist ( p1, p2 ) ) { dmin = dist (p1, p2); record p1 and p2 as closest; }

    increment p2;


  • if valueAt (p1) == valueAt (p2)
    { record p1 and p2 as closest; }