如何使用 MigLayout 将内容集中在多个面板上?

How to center content over several panels with MigLayout?

我有一个大面板,其中包含 3 个较小的面板(locationPanelusagePanelstructuralAspectsPanel)。

每个较小的面板上都有一些 JLabelsJCheckBoxes。我继续将每个面板上的组件居中,但是我怎样才能在所有 3 个面板上实现它们的居中呢? (请看中间的黑线)

我曾尝试使用 MigLayout 中的单元格布局选项(new JLabel("Label here"), "cell 0 0"),但无法动态创建相同大小的间隙,因此所有组件都居中。使用 gap 200 (180, 300, ...) 到 "push" 将组件放入视觉中心似乎可行,但我想避免使用绝对定位/间隙,因为它们可能很容易损坏。



public class RiskAssessmentPage extends JPanel {
  JPanel riskAssessmentPanel = new JPanel();

  JPanel locationPanel = new JPanel();
  JPanel usagePanel = new JPanel();
  JPanel structuralAspectsPanel = new JPanel();

  public RiskAssessmentPage() {
    setLayout(new MigLayout(""));
        new MigLayout("wrap", "[grow, fill]", "[grow, fill, push][grow, fill, push][grow, fill, push]"));

    locationPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[grow, center][grow, left]"));

    usagePanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[grow, center][grow, left]"));

    structuralAspectsPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[grow, center][grow, left]"));
    structuralAspectsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Structural Aspects"));

    locationPanel.add(new JLabel("This is the first of all labels"));
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
    locationPanel.add(new JLabel("Second Label"));
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
    locationPanel.add(new JLabel("This Label is fairly large and long and pushes the text around"));
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");

    usagePanel.add(new JLabel("A label in the usage panel"));
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
    usagePanel.add(new JLabel("And another one and another one and another one"));
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");

    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JLabel("Label here"));
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JLabel("I am so uncreative with label names..."));
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JLabel("Thats it. I give up with naming them."));
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
    structuralAspectsPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");


    add(riskAssessmentPanel, "grow, push");


0:0, grow 60 添加到第一列,将 grow 40 添加到第二列。

grow 60 / 40 部分表示左列占可用宽度的 60%,而另一列占 40%。



locationPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[0:0, grow 60, center][grow 40, left]"));

usagePanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[0:0, grow 60, center][grow 40, left]"));

structuralAspectsPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[0:0, grow 60, center][grow 40, left]"));

为了使您的面板列对齐,您需要将它们设置为相同的大小。在 MigLayout 中,您可以通过将第一列的 preferred sizegrowth rate 设置为相同的值来做到这一点你在所有面板中。例如

panel1.new MigLayout("", //Unchanged Layout Constraints
        "[:500, grow, center][grow, left]", //Column Constraints
        ""); //Unchanged Row Constraints

panel2.new MigLayout("", //Unchanged Layout Constraints
        "[:500, grow, center][grow, left]", //Column Constraints
        ""); //Unchanged Row Constraints

在此示例中,panel1panel2 的第一列的首选大小都设置为 500,并且增长设置为默认值,因此也相同。


import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout;

public class MigLay extends JFrame {

    private MigLay() {
        super("Button Layout");
        setLayout(new MigLayout("wrap", //Layout Constraints
        "grow, fill", //Column Constraints
        "grow, fill")); //Row Constraints
        setMinimumSize(getSize()); //Sets minimum size to the preferred size. Remove or change this line if you do not want that to happen

    private void createPanels() {

        JPanel locationPanel = new JPanel();
        JPanel usagePanel = new JPanel();
        JPanel structuralAspectsPanel = new JPanel();

        //JLabels for font metrics
        JLabel one = new JLabel("This is the first of all labels");
        JLabel two = new JLabel("Second Label");
        JLabel three = new JLabel("This Label is fairly large and long and pushes the text around");
        JLabel four = new JLabel("A label in the usage panel");
        JLabel five = new JLabel("And another one and another one and another one");

        //Font Metrics
        FontMetrics metrics = three.getFontMetrics(three.getFont()); //Take longest label manually or dynamically (You will have to add that code)
        int width = metrics.stringWidth(three.getText());

        locationPanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[:" + width + ", grow, center][grow, left]"));

        usagePanel.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap rel 2", "[:" + width + ", grow, center][grow, left]"));

        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        locationPanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");

        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JSeparator(), "growx, span");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");
        usagePanel.add(new JCheckBox("Checkbox with Label"), "skip, wrap");


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new MigLay();