Hive 1.2 中 BINARY 数据类型的限制是什么?

What is the limit of BINARY data types in Hive 1.2?

我在 apache 文档中没有找到太多关于 BINARY 数据类型的信息:


创建了一个 table 和 BINARY
create table table1(col1 binary);

通过 JDBC 获取元数据后,我发现,



来自Binary DataType Proposal :

How is 'binary' represented internally in Hive

Binary type in Hive will map to 'binary' data type in thrift.

Primitive java object for 'binary' type is ByteArrayRef

PrimitiveWritableObject for 'binary' type is BytesWritable

自从 ByteArrayRef holds a reference to a byte array, the answer should be Integer.MAX_VALUE - 5, see here