无法理解 Javascript 中的鼠标事件语法

Unable to understand mouse event syntax in Javascript

我试图了解以下 D3 代码以在我的 D3 图表中实现缩放功能。 https://gist.github.com/jasondavies/3689931


.on("mousemove.zoomRect", function() {    // line 90

.on("mouseup.zoomRect", function() {    // line 99

我不知道这个语法。我尝试了文档,但不确定要查找什么。 zoomRect是一个布尔变量,当我们说mousemove.zoomRect ?



如果您查看 .on 的文档:

If an event listener was already registered for the same type, the existing listener is removed before the new listener is added. To register multiple listeners for the same event type, the type may be followed by an optional namespace, such as "click.foo" and "click.bar". Likewise, you can remove all registered listeners for a given namespace by saying dispatch.on(".foo", null).

.zoomRect 是一个命名空间。我相信他是出于安全考虑在全局 window 对象上设置事件。