Gameplay3D gameplay::TimeListener

Gameplay3D gameplay::TimeListener

谁能写一个关于如何在 Gameplay3D 中使用此功能的具体示例:

virtual void gameplay::TimeListener::timeEvent  (   long    timeDiff,
void *  cookie 
)       [pure virtual]

我的意思是想在 t 毫秒后调用一个函数,但我不确定我应该如何编写代码。


基于文档有两种方法,它们都是鼓励松散耦合的流行 C++ 模式。

1.) 倾听者的方法。在这种方法中,您的 class(假设它称为 ObjectManager)也将 'be' 即继承自 TimeListener。这似乎是该框架希望您采用的方式。看看纯虚基地class"TimeListener"

2.) 回调方法。这是对 "game::Schedule" 的第二次调用: 这需要一个脚本函数。我对这个框架不熟悉,所以我不能过多评论它,你需要传入一个指向与所需签名匹配的函数的指针


class ObjectManager: public TimeListener

void OnTimeEvent(long timeDiff, void* cookie)
  // timeDiff is difference between game time and current time
  // cookie is the data you passed into the event. it could be a pointer to anything. 
  // Cast appropriately. remember, it is completely optional! you can pass
  // nullptr!
  MyOtherObject* other = static_cast<MyOtherObject>(cookie);
  // ...
  // handle the event and do the other stuff I wanted to do on a timer.

 // my other business logic and all other good stuff this class does.

 // data, other private things.



ObjectManager myObjectManager; // example only, stack variable. would be invalid.

// Schedule an event to be invoked on the instance noted, with a context of MyOtherObject, in 100 milliseconds.
gameplay::Game::schedule(100.0, &myObjectManager, new MyOtherObject());

您需要阅读文档以查看是否需要指向 "Game" 对象的指针来调用调度。如果你这样做并不重要,就像 "game->Schedule(..)" 那样。