为什么这句话要去掉"unreferenced function argument warning"呢?

Why does this sentence eliminate the "unreferenced function argument warning"?

在 SDCC 编译器用户指南中我阅读了以下内容:

void to_buffer( unsigned char c )
c; // to avoid warning: unreferenced function argument
; save used registers here.
; If we were still using r2,r3 we would have to push them here.
; if( head != (unsigned char)(tail-1) )
mov a,_tail
dec a
xrl a,_head
; we could do an ANL a,#0x0f here to use a smaller buffer (see below)
jz t_b_end$
; buf[ head++ ] = c;
mov a,dpl ; dpl holds lower byte of function argument
mov dpl,_head ; buf is 0x100 byte aligned so head can be used directly
mov dph,#(_buf>>8)
movx @dptr,a
inc _head
; we could do an ANL _head,#0x0f here to use a smaller buffer (see above)
; restore used registers here

不明白"c; // to avoid warning: unreferenced function argument"这句话是什么意思,难道是SDCC的特殊用法?还是C语言的特殊用法?

如果您有一个您不使用的传入函数参数,编译器往往会警告您。在您的情况下, c; 是一个 void 操作来访问变量并避免警告。它类似于

 int func(char c)
  //c is never used in the function

FWIW,在 gcc 中,要 启用 警告,使用 -Wunused-parameter 选项。 (-Wextra 中启用)