如何从 (Yesod / Haskell 项目的会话中获取用户 ID

How get the user ID from the Session at (Yesod / Haskell Project

伙计们,我有一个小项目,我需要从会话中提取用户的 ID。

我不能把它放在 Text/Int 中,因为它说 Session 带有一个密钥(我认为是 Sql 密钥)我如何将它转换为 Int 以便在其他方法中使用我的项目

我尝试这样做是为了从会话中恢复 ID

getInicioR :: Handler Html
getInicioR = do
        uid <- lookupSession "_ID"
        user <- runDB $ get404 uid 


Couldn't match expected type ‘Key t0’ with actual type ‘Maybe Text’
In the first argument of ‘get404’, namely ‘uid’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘get404 uid’

使用 keyToValues 获取 PersistValue 个值的列表。

keyToValues :: Key record -> [PersistValue]

例如,如果您知道该键是一个文本值,那么您的列表将包含一个 PersistText 值,您可以这样进行:

do uid <- lookupSession "_ID"
   let pvals = keyToValues uid
       [ PersistText txt ] = pvals
   liftIO $ print pvals            -- to see what pvals is
   -- now txt is a Text value