Unicode 符号代码的简单求和

simple sum of Unicode symbol codes


1) Convert ! 按钮的点击事件

User must type 2 value into writable edit controls. After pressing Convert ! program must set sum of these characters Unicode values to first read-only edit control (it's near of " = " symbol). For example, if I set first edit control value as є (which its UTF-16 (hex) encoding value is 0x0404 (0404). It's also known as Cyrillic Capital Letter Ukrainian IE) and second edit control value as @ (which its UTF-16 (hex) encoding value is 0x0040 (0040). It's also known as Commercial At), then result must be a symbol: ф (its UTF-16 encoding value is 0x0444 (0444)). Therefore, its value equals to sum of other edit controls UTF-16 encoding values. How can I do this?

2) 撤销按钮的点击事件

By clicking Undo button, it must sets the value of edit control the below this button. This value should be є symbol (as you see its Unicode encoding value is extraction of sum and second edit control's value. How can I do this?

我已经在 Google、MSDN 和一些不同的论坛中搜索这些问题 2 周了。但我找不到任何有用的话题。我只能找到 MultiByteCharacterSet_mbclenmblen_mblen_l 函数。如果这些功能对我有用,我如何在我的程序中使用 it/them?请给我建议。我是 VC++ 的新手。


User must enter a character. It is maybe a digit or letter. Not a word or sequence of characters or number.


P.S: 如果我的语法错误太多很差,如果问题是重复的那么抱歉...

此致, 米贾拉尔.

输入值已经等于它的 unicode-16 值。无需转换。

CString in1(L'1');
CString in2(L'2');
CString sum(wchar_t(in1[0] + in2[0]));