通过 Azure Active Directory 对客户端进行身份验证以连接到 ApiApp
Authenticate client via Azure Active Directory to connect to ApiApp
我使用 Azure Active Directory 保护我的 Azure API 应用程序。
如何验证我的 C# .NET 客户端以便我可以调用 Api?我找不到任何这方面的教程!
首先,您需要按照以下步骤在 Azure Active Directory 中注册您的客户端应用程序:
- Sign in to the Azure management portal.
- Click on Active Directory in the left hand nav.
- Click the directory tenant where you wish to register the sample application.
- Click the Applications tab.
- In the drawer, click Add.
- Click "Add an application my organization is developing".
- Enter a friendly name for the application, i.e. "YourClientApp", select "Native Client Application", and click next.
- Enter a Redirect URI, i.e. "https://yourClientsRedirectUri/". Click finish.
- Click the Configure tab of the application.
- Find the Client ID value and copy it aside, you will need this later when configuring your application.
- In "Permissions to Other Applications", click "Add Application." Select "Other" in the "Show" dropdown, and click the upper check mark. Locate & click on "YourApi", and click the bottom check mark to add the application. Select "Access YourApi" from the "Delegated Permissions" drop down, and save the configuration.
然后,对于 C# .NET 客户端,您需要使用适用于 .Net 的 Active Directory 身份验证库 (ADAL) 并执行以下操作:
var authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/";
var resource = "https://yourApisUri/";
var redirectUri = "https://yourClientsRedirectUri/";
var tenant = "yourAzureActiveDirectory.onmicrosoft.com";
var clientId = "yourClientsAzureADClientId";
var ctx = new AuthenticationContext(authority + tenant);
var t = ctx.AcquireToken(resource, clientId, new Uri(redirectUri));
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + t.AccessToken);
var url = "https://yourapi.com/yourmethod";
await result = client.GetAsync(url);
// Do whatever you want
重要说明:上面的代码只是一个起点,您应该确保阅读并遵循所有最佳实践,例如确保将 TokenCache 传递给 AuthenticationContext 构造函数并确保每次需要令牌时调用 AcquireToken,而不是自己缓存令牌。
我使用 Azure Active Directory 保护我的 Azure API 应用程序。
如何验证我的 C# .NET 客户端以便我可以调用 Api?我找不到任何这方面的教程!
首先,您需要按照以下步骤在 Azure Active Directory 中注册您的客户端应用程序:
- Sign in to the Azure management portal.
- Click on Active Directory in the left hand nav.
- Click the directory tenant where you wish to register the sample application.
- Click the Applications tab.
- In the drawer, click Add.
- Click "Add an application my organization is developing".
- Enter a friendly name for the application, i.e. "YourClientApp", select "Native Client Application", and click next.
- Enter a Redirect URI, i.e. "https://yourClientsRedirectUri/". Click finish.
- Click the Configure tab of the application.
- Find the Client ID value and copy it aside, you will need this later when configuring your application.
- In "Permissions to Other Applications", click "Add Application." Select "Other" in the "Show" dropdown, and click the upper check mark. Locate & click on "YourApi", and click the bottom check mark to add the application. Select "Access YourApi" from the "Delegated Permissions" drop down, and save the configuration.
然后,对于 C# .NET 客户端,您需要使用适用于 .Net 的 Active Directory 身份验证库 (ADAL) 并执行以下操作:
var authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/";
var resource = "https://yourApisUri/";
var redirectUri = "https://yourClientsRedirectUri/";
var tenant = "yourAzureActiveDirectory.onmicrosoft.com";
var clientId = "yourClientsAzureADClientId";
var ctx = new AuthenticationContext(authority + tenant);
var t = ctx.AcquireToken(resource, clientId, new Uri(redirectUri));
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + t.AccessToken);
var url = "https://yourapi.com/yourmethod";
await result = client.GetAsync(url);
// Do whatever you want
重要说明:上面的代码只是一个起点,您应该确保阅读并遵循所有最佳实践,例如确保将 TokenCache 传递给 AuthenticationContext 构造函数并确保每次需要令牌时调用 AcquireToken,而不是自己缓存令牌。