Haskell 状态单子在 2 维中跟踪运动

Haskell State monad in tracking movement in 2 dimensions

我正在尝试在二维平面上跟随一个物体的移动,该物体已获得命令列表 "forward, left or right"。

到目前为止,我的函数接受对象状态(方向、位置和移动)的组成部分和 return 所有移动完成后或所有位置沿方式。

对象的状态采用 Sstate (Dir dx dy) (Pos px py) [m] 形式,移动包括递归应用移动列表的头部以生成新状态

Sstate (Dir 1 0) (Pos 0 0) "fff" -> Sstate (Dir 1 0) (Pos 0 1) "ff"

type Mov = Char

data Pos = Pos Int Int
 deriving (Show, Eq)

data Dir = Dir Int Int
 deriving (Show, Eq)

data Sstate = Sstate Dir Pos [Mov]
 deriving (Show, Eq)

move :: Sstate -> Sstate
move (Sstate (Dir dx dy) (Pos px py) []    )  = Sstate  (Dir dx dy) (Pos px py) []
move (Sstate (Dir dx dy) (Pos px py) (m:ms))
 | m == 'f'  = ss dx    dy    (dx + px) (dy + py) ms
 | m == 'l'  = ss (-dy) dx    px        py        ms
 | m == 'r'  = ss dy    (-dx) px        py        ms
 | otherwise = ss dy    dx    px        py        []
   ss a b c d = Sstate (Dir a b) (Pos c d)

end :: Dir -> Pos -> [Mov] -> Sstate
end d p ms = iterate move initialState !! n
   initialState = Sstate d p ms
   n = length ms + 1

position :: Sstate -> Pos
position (Sstate _ p _) = p

route :: Dir -> Pos -> [Mov] -> [Pos]
route d p ms = map position . take n . iterate  move $ initialState
   initialState = Sstate d p ms
   n = length ms + 1


λ: let x = Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ff"

λ: move x
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 3) "f"

λ: end (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ff"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 4) ""

λ: route (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ff"
[Pos 0 2,Pos 0 3,Pos 0 4]

这似乎可行,但似乎这也是需要 State monad 的东西。我觉得 State monad 令人困惑,但我觉得如果有人足够友好地展示它如何在这里使用,它会帮助我理解。

这里是一些简单的 'starter' 代码,通过在状态方面进行一些重新表述来扩展您的模块。我认为,您需要在摆弄它们的同时查看像 LYAH 章节这样的教程。我省略了签名,它变得越来越复杂,但查询 ghci 中的类型将很有启发性。您需要添加

import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer -- for the position-remembering example

那么下面的内容应该都可以使用你对 move

step = do                        -- step the state once with your `move`,
 sstate <- get                   -- whatever the state is
 put (move sstate)
-- this little program could also be written: `modify move` which shows the
-- link between what you wrote and State a little more clearly

steps = do                       -- repeatedly apply `step` to the state
  Sstate _ _ ls <- get           -- til there are no moves, then stop
  if null ls 
  then return ()       -- could be: unless (null ls) $ do step ; steps
  else step >> steps

stepsIO = do                     -- do all steps as with `steps`, but print
  sstate@(Sstate a b ls) <- get  -- the current state at each state update
  liftIO $ print sstate
  if null ls then liftIO (putStrLn "Done!")
             else step >> stepsIO

stepsPrintPosition = do           -- do all steps as with `steps`, printing 
  Sstate _ b ls <- get            -- only position at each state update
  liftIO $ do putStr "current position: " 
              print b
  if null ls then liftIO (putStrLn "Done!")
             else do step 

stepsAccumulatePositions = do    -- move through all states as with `steps`
  sstate@(Sstate a b ls) <- get  -- but use `tell` to keep adding the current
  tell [b]                       -- position to the underlying list 
  if null ls then return ()      -- of positions 
             else step >> stepsAccumulatePositions

example = Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ffff"

要使用 stepstepsstepsIO 等,我们应用 runState;这给了我们一个从一个状态到一个新状态的函数

runStateT :: StateT s m a -> s -> m (a, s)


newtype StateT s m a  = StateT {runStateT :: s -> m (a, s)}

包装允许我们使用更简单的 s -> m (a, s) 位来编写花哨的 s -> m (a, s) 东西,但在新类型引擎盖下,它始终只是我们在 do 中编写的函数 s -> m (a, s)符号。

当然,一旦我们用 runStateT 解包并得到我们的函数 s -> m (a, s),我们需要为它提供一个初始状态。通过在 ghci

>>> example
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ffff"

>>> runStateT step example            -- we step the state once with move
((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 3) "fff")

>>> runStateT steps example           -- we keep stepping till there are no moves
((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) "")

>>> runStateT stepsIO example         -- we print state at each state update
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 2) "ffff"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 3) "fff"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 4) "ff"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 5) "f"
Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) ""
((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) "")

>>> runStateT stepsPrintPosition  example   -- print position only at state updates
current position: Pos 0 2
current position: Pos 0 3
current position: Pos 0 4
current position: Pos 0 5
current position: Pos 0 6
((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) "") 

-- the WriterT examples accumulate a 'monoid' of things you keep
-- adding to with `tell xyz` Here we accumulate a [Position]
-- execXYZ and evalXYZ, where they exist, return less information than runXYZ

>>>  runWriterT $ runStateT stepsAccumulatePositions   example
(((),Sstate (Dir 0 1) (Pos 0 6) ""),[Pos 0 2,Pos 0 3,Pos 0 4,Pos 0 5,Pos 0 6])

>>>  execWriterT $ evalStateT stepsAccumulatePositions   example
[Pos 0 2,Pos 0 3,Pos 0 4,Pos 0 5,Pos 0 6]

在上面的代码中,我使用 mtl 类型 classes 然后使用 runStateTrunWriterT 到 "interpret" 或专门化 class 涉及签名。这些属于 Control.Monad.Trans.{State/Writer} 中定义的具体类型 StateTWriterT 可以省略 classes,直接用这些具体类型编写,导入那些模块。唯一的区别是,在我组合两种效果、状态和书写或任何你想称呼它的情况下,你需要做 lift $ tell [b]


注意这里不需要直接使用State monad,因为endroute可以用foldl'和[=18=来写] 一旦您将 Mov 视为对某个状态 操作 的东西,而不是状态的 一部分 Sstate 的记录语法也有帮助。

type Mov = Char
data Pos = Pos Int Int deriving (Show, Eq)
data Dir = Dir Int Int deriving (Show, Eq)
data Sstate = Sstate {direction :: Dir, position :: Pos} deriving (Show, Eq)

-- A helper to simplify move
changeDir :: Mov -> Dir -> Dir
changeDir 'l' (Dir x y) = Dir (-y) x
changeDir 'r' (Dir x y) = Dir y (-x)
changeDir m (Dir x y) = Dir y x

move :: Mov -> Sstate -> Sstate
move 'f' oldState@(Sstate (Dir dx dy) (Pos px py))  = oldState { position = Pos (dx + px) (dy + py) }
move  m  oldState@(Sstate dir _) = oldState { direction = changeDir m dir }

end :: [Mov] -> Sstate -> Sstate
end ms initialState = foldl' (flip move) initialState ms

route :: [Mov] -> Sstate -> [Pos]
route ms initialState = map position $ scanl' (flip move) initialState ms


λ: let x = Sstate {direction = Dir 0 1, position = Pos 0 2}

λ: move 'f' x
Sstate {direction = Dir 0 1, position = Pos 0 3}

λ: end "ff" x
Sstate {direction = Dir 0 1, position = Pos 0 4}

λ: route "ff" x
[Pos 0 2,Pos 0 3,Pos 0 4]


move :: Mov -> Sstate -> Sstate
end :: [Mov] -> Sstate -> Sstate
route :: [Mov] -> Sstate -> [Pos]

move :: Mov -> State Sstate ()
-- or possibly move :: Mov -> State Sstate Sstate ?
-- Like I said, more knowledgeable than me
end :: [Mov] -> State Sstate Sstate
route :: [Mov] -> State Sstate [Pos]