Javascript / 本机代码不同步(不同数量的参数)错误

Javascript / Native code out of sync (differing number of arguments) error

我最近更新到 ReactNativeControllers 2.03 from 1.24. I have also updated RN to 0.25. I am using a fork,它只添加了一个 Podspec 文件。在整理出 RN 中的所有导入更改后,我现在被这个错误难住了:


RCCManager.setRootController was called with 3 arguments, but expects 2. If you haven't changed this method yourself, this usually means that your versions of the native code and JavaScript code are out of sync. Updating both should make this error go away.



setRootController:(NSDictionary*)layout animationType:(NSString*)animationType globalProps:(NSDictionary*)globalProps)

并在 index.js 中:

ControllerRegistry: {
    registerController: function (appKey, getControllerFunc) {
      _controllerRegistry[appKey] = getControllerFunc();
    setRootController: function (appKey, animationType = 'none', passProps = {}) {
      var controller = _controllerRegistry[appKey];
      if (controller === undefined) return;
      var layout = controller.render();
      RCCManager.setRootController(layout, animationType, passProps);

很明显,两者都有 3 个参数。

我已经终止并重新启动了打包程序。我已经清理了包含派生数据的 Xcode 项目,并使用 watchman watch-del-all 删除了 watchman 缓存。我删除了我的 node_modules 文件夹,删除了 npm installpod install

我重建了 Xcode 项目。仍然没有运气。我不知道如何进一步调试。

编辑:我还尝试清理 pod 缓存,更新到 Cocoapods 1.01...


2016-06-10 14:15:18.179 [warn][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] Warning: ReactNative.Component is deprecated. Use React.Component from the "react" package instead.
2016-06-10 14:15:18.239 JustTuner[7523:185768] Launching Couchbase Lite...
2016-06-10 14:15:19.048 JustTuner[7523:185768] Couchbase Lite url = http://adamwilsonsMBP.lan:5984/
2016-06-10 14:15:19.050 JustTuner[7523:185768] Launching Couchbase Lite...
2016-06-10 14:15:19.058 JustTuner[7523:185768] Couchbase Lite url = http://adamwilsonsMBP.lan:5984/
2016-06-10 14:15:19.538 [error][tid:main][RCTModuleMethod.m:456] RCCManager.setRootController was called with 3 arguments, but expects 2.                   If you haven't changed this method yourself, this usually means that                   your versions of the native code and JavaScript code are out of sync.                   Updating both should make this error go away.

在花了很多时间尝试解决这个问题后,我发现 build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator 中有一个过时的静态库 libReactNativeControllers.a

删除 libReactNativeControllers.a 并重建项目解决了这个问题。

似乎 Pod 静态库现在被保存在它们各自的文件夹中,例如build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ReactNativeControllers/libReactNativeControllers.a


如果它发生在 react-native iOS 中,请尝试清理并重建 XCode 中的解决方案。

通过重置缓存重新启动 Metro 对我有用:

react-native start --reset-cache

npm start -- --reset-cache