通过 Javascript/HTML 生成随机 link

Generating a random link through Javascript/HTML

我正在尝试创建一个脚本,允许我显示一个 hyperlink,将用户重定向到从四个站点中随机选择的 url。到目前为止,我已经为网站创建了一个数组,以及一个尝试生成随机 url 的函数。出于我的目的,重要的是输出 ("Click to go to a random site") 不是一个按钮,而是一个简单的(可点击的)字符串。

当 运行 代码出现引用错误时 "link is not defined (on line 18)"。我以为我在代码中用 var link = 'http://' + links[randIdx]; 定义了 link,所以我不完全确定为什么会收到此错误以及如何修复它。


<a href="javascript:openSite()">Click to go to a random site</a>
function openSite() {
var links = [

            openSite = function() {
              // get a random number between 0 and the number of links
              var randIdx = Math.random() * links.length;
              // round it, so it can be used as array index
              randIdx = parseInt(randIdx, 10);
              // construct the link to be opened
              var link = 'http://' + links[randIdx];
    return link;
    document.getElementById("link").innerHTML = openSite();

<a href="javascript:openSite()">Click to go to a random site</a>
var links = [

           var openSite = function() {
              // get a random number between 0 and the number of links
              var randIdx = Math.random() * links.length;
              // round it, so it can be used as array index
              randIdx = parseInt(randIdx, 10);
              // construct the link to be opened
              var link = 'http://' + links[randIdx];

     return link;


var links = [

function openSite() {
    // get a random number between 0 and the number of links
    var randIdx = Math.random() * links.length;
    // round it, so it can be used as array index
    randIdx = parseInt(randIdx, 10);
    // construct the link to be opened
    var link = 'http://' + links[randIdx];
        return link;

document.getElementById("link").innerHTML = openSite();



    var sites = [

    function randomSite() {
        var i = parseInt(Math.random() * sites.length);
        location.href = sites[i];
<a href="#" onclick="randomSite();">Random</a>