
location of person in the Image


我在 matlab 中使用背景减法来检测房间里的人,所以我可以扩展这项工作以找出人在图像中的位置,如果我将图像分成多个区域,甚至可以在区域中找出人的位置??

感谢您的帮助 问候


我在这里提供的方法只是 another Whosebug answer.


If you want to divide a matrix into submatrices, one way is to use the mat2cell function to break the matrix up and store each sub-matrix in a cell of a cell array.


C = mat2cell(I, [10 20 30], [25 25]);

更一般地说,要将您的图像分割成大小相同的 "zones",以下方法可行:

im_rows = 256; % Replace this with the number of rows in your image
im_cols = 256; % Replace this with the number of columns in your image
C = mat2cell(I, [im_rows/2 im_rows/2], [im_cols/2 im_cols/2])
Zone1 = C{1,1};
Zone2 = C{1,2};
Zone3 = C{2,1};
% ... and so on

C 现在是一个 2×2 元胞数组 - 4 "zones" - 每个存储原始图像的四分之一,I.


现在您已将图像 I 分成几个区域,您可以开始检测每个特定区域内的人。

如果您可以访问 MATLAB 的 vision 包,那么您可以利用 PeopleDetector object。根据文档,vision 软件包使检测人员变得极其简单。

% Create PeopleDetector object
peopleDetector = vision.PeopleDetector;
% Read your image of question into MATLAB
I = imread('visionteam1.jpg');
% Detect people in your image
[bounding_boxes,scores] = step(peopleDetector,I);

The step(peopleDetector, I) method returns an M-by-4 matrix defining M bounding boxes, where M represents the number of detected people. Each row of the output matrix, bounding_boxes, contains a four-element vector, [x y width height]. This vector specifies, in pixels, the upper-left corner and size, of a bounding box. When no people are detected, the step method returns an empty vector. The input image, I, must be a grayscale or truecolor (RGB) image.


center_x = x + width / 2;
center_y = y + height / 2;