用于 perl6 的 Perlbrew
Perlbrew for perl6
ps: 使用 OS X
对 How to get rakudo 的评论是 Mac OS 具体的:
Rajeev Jha says:
2011.11.01 at 18:28
Here are the instructions for building on mac osx lion
create a new dir, say nuke and cd to it (xcode should be installed)
1. wget https://github.com/downloads/rakudo/star/rakudo-star-2011.07.tar.gz
2. tar -zxvf rakudo-star-2011.07.tar.gz
3. cd rakudo-star-2011.07
4. perl Configure.pl –gen-moar
5. make
6. make install
Run perl6 from nuke/rakudo-star-2011.07/perl6
第 1 部分使用 newest file you find 而不是 2011 年的版本。
这可能是您在不久的将来想要的——rakudobrew. I’m using it on OS X 10.8–10 without any trouble at all (well, some of the C/image stuff won’t build for me—I wanted to do the space invaders——但其他一切都很好很容易)。
哦,我错过了克里斯托夫的评论;对不起。为了增加命题的价值,我还建议 panda, a cpanm-lite-like tool to work with some of the better available perl6 modules。
我只是在 macOS 上使用 brew,因此:
brew install rakudo-star
zef install Inline::Perl5
根据 Rakudo website rakudobrew
和 panda
气馁 。
zef seems to be the preferred tool for module management and it is also referenced from the Perl 6 Documentation.
ps: 使用 OS X
对 How to get rakudo 的评论是 Mac OS 具体的:
Rajeev Jha says:
2011.11.01 at 18:28
Here are the instructions for building on mac osx lion
create a new dir, say nuke and cd to it (xcode should be installed)
1. wget https://github.com/downloads/rakudo/star/rakudo-star-2011.07.tar.gz
2. tar -zxvf rakudo-star-2011.07.tar.gz
3. cd rakudo-star-2011.07
4. perl Configure.pl –gen-moar
5. make
6. make install
Run perl6 from nuke/rakudo-star-2011.07/perl6
第 1 部分使用 newest file you find 而不是 2011 年的版本。
这可能是您在不久的将来想要的——rakudobrew. I’m using it on OS X 10.8–10 without any trouble at all (well, some of the C/image stuff won’t build for me—I wanted to do the space invaders——但其他一切都很好很容易)。
哦,我错过了克里斯托夫的评论;对不起。为了增加命题的价值,我还建议 panda, a cpanm-lite-like tool to work with some of the better available perl6 modules。
我只是在 macOS 上使用 brew,因此:
brew install rakudo-star
zef install Inline::Perl5
根据 Rakudo website rakudobrew
和 panda
气馁 。
zef seems to be the preferred tool for module management and it is also referenced from the Perl 6 Documentation.