在 python 中以相同的顺序随机播放两个列表

Shuffle two lists in the same order in python


from psychopy import visual, event, gui
import random, os
from random import shuffle
from PIL import Image
import glob
a = glob.glob("DDtest/targetimagelist1/*")
b = glob.glob("DDtest/distractorimagelist1/*")
target = a
distractor = b
pos1 = [-.05,-.05]
pos2 = [.05, .05]


def loop_function_bro():
    win = visual.Window(size=(1280, 800), fullscr=True, screen=0, monitor='testMonitor', color=[-1,-1,-1], colorSpace='rgb')
        distractorstim = visual.ImageStim(win=win,
        image= distractor[i], mask=None,
        ori=0, pos=pos1, size=[0.5,0.5],
        color=[1,1,1], colorSpace='rgb', opacity=1,
        flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False,
        texRes=128, interpolate=True, depth=-1.0)

    targetstim= visual.ImageStim(win=win,
        image= target[i], mask=None,
        ori=0, pos=pos2, size=[0.5,0.5],
        color=[1,1,1], colorSpace='rgb', opacity=1,
        flipHoriz=False, flipVert=False,
        texRes=128, interpolate=True, depth=-2.0)

    event.waitKeys(keyList = ['space'])

for i in range (2):  





我认为处理此问题的最简单方法是为索引使用单独的列表,shuffle 而是使用它。

indices = list(xrange(len(a)))  # Or just range(len(a)) in Python 2
    data1=[foo bar foo]
    data2=[bar foo bar]
    data3=[foo bar foo]
# now do your shuffling on the "outside" index of alldata then
    (data1shuff,data2shuff,data3shuff) = zip(*alldata)

此问题已得到解答 here and here。我特别喜欢以下句法简单

randomizedItems = map(items.__getitem__, indices)


# Import stuff. This section was simplified.
from psychopy import visual, event, gui  # gui is not used in this script
import random, os, glob
from PIL import Image

pos1 = [-.05,-.05]
pos2 = [.05, .05]

# import two images sequences and randomize in the same order
target = glob.glob("DDtest/targetimagelist1/*")
distractor = glob.glob("DDtest/distractorimagelist1/*")
indices = random.sample(range(len(target)), len(target))  # because you're using python 2
target = map(target.__getitem__, indices)
distractor = map(distractor.__getitem__, indices)

# Create window and stimuli ONCE. Think of them as containers in which you can update the content on the fly.
win = visual.Window(size=(1280, 800), fullscr=True, screen=0, monitor='testMonitor', color=[-1,-1,-1])  # removed a default value
targetstim = visual.ImageStim(win=win, pos=pos2, size=[0.5,0.5])
targetstim.autoDraw = True
distractorstim = visual.ImageStim(win=win, pos=pos1, size=[0.5,0.5])  # removed all default values and initiated without an image. Set autodraw here since you didn't seem to change it during runtime. But feel free to do it where you please.
distractorstim.autoDraw = True

# No need to pack in a function. Just loop immediately. Rather than just showing two stimuli, I've set it to loop over all stimuli.
for i in range(len(target)):
    # set images. OBS: this may take some time. Probably between 20 and 500 ms depending mainly on image dimensions. Smaller is faster. It's still much faster than generating a full Window/ImageStim each loop though.
    distractorstim.image = distractor[i]
    targetstim.image = target[i]

    # Display and wait for answer
    event.waitKeys(keyList = ['space'])

在保持配对的同时使图像随机化的另一种方法是您有时可能会做的事情:将它们放在一个字典列表中,其中每个字典代表一个试验。因此,不要使用 map 两行,而是:

trialList = [{'target':target[i], 'distractor':distractor[i]} for i in indices]

尝试打印试用列表 (print trialList) 以查看其外观。然后循环试验:

for trial in trialList:
    # set images.
    targetstim.image = trial['target']
    distractorstim.image = trial['distractor']

    # Display and wait for answer. Let's record reaction times in the trial, just for fun.
    response = event.waitKeys(keyList = ['space'], timeStamped=True)
    trial['rt'] = response[0][1]  # first answer, second element is rt.