如何检查状态对象是否属于 ICollection 类型

How to check if a state object is of type ICollection

我使用 nhibernate 拦截器来比较实体属性的旧状态和当前状态的值,但是一些属性的类型是 ICollection 所以谁能指导我如何检查一个对象类型为 ICollection


    public void OnPostUpdate(NHibernate.Event.PostUpdateEvent @event)
        var entityToAudit = @event.Entity as IAuditable;
        string path = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "AuditLog.txt");
        using (StreamWriter sw = File.AppendText(path))
            for (int i = 0; i < @event.OldState.Length; i++)
                string propertyName = @event.Persister.PropertyNames[i];
                if (@event.OldState[i] != null)
                    if (!@event.OldState[i].Equals(@event.State[i]))
                        sw.WriteLine("the value of "+ propertyName + " has been changed from " + @event.OldState[i] + " to " + @event.State[i]);
                    if (@event.State[i] != null)
                        sw.WriteLine("the value of "+ propertyName + " has been changed from being empty to " + @event.State[i]);

您可以使用简单的 is 检查类型 像这样:

var obj = getObject();
if(obj is TypeYouWant)


您有多个选项可以执行此操作,使用 is 或使用 as 进行空值检查:

if (obj is ICollection){
    //your logic

或者,如果您稍后需要对象作为 ICollection,我建议使用 as:

var icoll = obj as ICollection
if (icoll != null){
    //use icoll