Jmockit:无法模拟内部领域。总是以 null 结束

Jmockit: Unable to mock inner field. Always ends up being null

我无法控制我想测试的方法中的变量发生了什么。在此示例中,被测试方法的输入是模拟对象或可注入对象,但如果您尝试对其执行任何操作,则会出现 Null* 异常。


public class SomeClass {
    public SomeClass() {}

    public void myMethod(InputClass input) {
        //how do I set this field so that no matter what, I don't get an exeption?
        long someLong = Long.parseLong(input.getSomeLong());

        // how do I prevent the NumberFormatException when Long.parseLong() is called in this situation?
        SomeInnerClass innerClass = SomeInnerClass(Long.parseLong(input.getSomeLong()));
        // how do I prevent the NumberFormatException when Long.parseLong() is called in this situation?

        // ...


public class TestSomeClass {
    @Tested private SomeClass classBeingTested;
    @Injectable SomeInnerClass innerClass;
    @Injectable InputClass input; // doesn't matter if I use @mocked here

    public void shouldTestSomething() {
        new NonStrictExpectations() {{
            // some expectations with innerClass...

        classBeingTested.myMethod(input); // at this point I would get an error from Long.parsLong() 

        // ... 

我希望能够忽略我正在测试的方法中某些代码部分的错误。在这种特定情况下,我根本不关心 Long.parseLong() 错误。我目前没有尝试测试它,但它妨碍了真正的测试。你如何创建一个假对象来代替引起问题的对象,以便在我测试该方法的其他部分时可以忽略它?

请使用下面的代码并检查它是否有帮助。您需要将 mockito 的依赖项添加到您的 project.One 重要的想法确保您在测试 class.

中使用 @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class)
public class TestSomeClass {
    @Tested private SomeClass classBeingTested;
    @Injectable SomeInnerClass innerClass;
    InputClass input; // doesn't matter if I use @mocked here

    public void shouldTestSomething() {
        new NonStrictExpectations() {{
            // some expectations with innerClass...
        Mockito.when(input).getSomeLong().thenReturn("11").thenReturn("11");//This will return 11 in place of input.getSomeLong()for 2 times
        classBeingTested.myMethod(input); // In this case yoou will not get an error from Long.parsLong() 

        // ... 

============================================= ==========

使用 JMockit :

 import org.junit.Test;

import mockit.Injectable;
import mockit.Mocked;
import mockit.NonStrictExpectations;
import mockit.Tested;

public class SomeClassTest {
    private SomeClass classBeingTested;
    SomeInnerClass innerClass;

    InputClass input;

    public void shouldTestSomething() {
        new NonStrictExpectations() {



        // ...