Return C 中表达式的种类,即它是右值还是左值

Return the kind of an expression in C, i.e., whether it's an rvalue or lvalue



int main() {
    if(isrvalue(*(int *)4)) return 0;
    else return 1;

这会产生问题,因为我们在下面发现表达式的 'type' 可能取决于它是在赋值运算符的右侧还是左侧。所以测试会更适合 as

supports_lvalue(*(int *)4)



左值指向一个可以赋新值的存储位置。包括 const 变量在内的所有变量都是左值。左值持续存在于使用它的表达式之外。另一方面,右值是一个临时值,不会在使用它的表达式之外持续存在。 左值可能出现在赋值运算符的左侧或右侧。但是右值永远不能出现在赋值运算符的左侧。



int main(){

    int i = 10;
    int j = 20;

    int* ip;
    int* jp;

    /*  ip and jp are pointer variables, hence L-VALUES.
        they can appear BOTH sides of = operator.
        as shown below.

    ip = &i;
    jp = &j;
    jp = ip;

    /*  values such as 1, 25, etc are Values, hence R-VALUES
        they can appear only RIGHT side of = operartor
        as shown below, 1 on left causes error not ip

    ip + 1  = &i;  // invalid
    ip = &i + 1;   // valid, however printf("%d", *ip); might print a Garbage value

    /*  *ip and *jp are also L-VALUES, including *(ip + 1) or *(ip + 2)
        they can appear both sides


    *ip = 1 + *jp;

    return 0;


根据C Standard, section

An lvalue is an expression (with an object type other than void) that potentially designates an object.


The name ‘‘lvalue’’ comes originally from the assignment expression E1 = E2, in which the left operand E1 is required to be a (modifiable) lvalue.


What is sometimes called ‘‘rvalue’’ is in this International Standard described as the ‘‘value of an expression’’.


An lvalue is a value that supports assignment and is on the left side of the assignment operator.

An rvalue is any value not on the left hand side of the assignment operator.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int array[1], *pointer, i = 42;
    //                      ^    ^-rvalue
    //                    lvalue

    *array = i;
    // ^     ^-rvalue

    pointer = array;
    // ^         ^-rvalue

    printf("%p\t%d\n", pointer, *pointer);
    //                    ^-rvalues-^

    // causes segfault but compiles:
    *(int *)4 = 2;
    //      ^   ^-rvalue
    //   lvalue

    return 0;


You'd have to use a compiler that lets you access the AST of a given compilation unit.