链接 Python 个生成器以遍历嵌套数据结构;最佳实践

Chaining of Python generators to traverse a nested data structure; best practices

假设我有一个要遍历的嵌套数据结构。此数据结构包含 节点 ,这些节点又可以通过 node.get_children_generator() 提供它们的 children。当然,这些 children 也是类型 node 并且以惰性方式计算,即由生成器枚举。为简单起见,让我们假设如果 node 没有 children,函数 get_children_generator 只是 returns 一个空的 list/generator(所以我们不必检查手动为空)。



import itertools as it

def traverse_nodes(start_node):
    """Traverses nodes in breadth first manner.
    First returns the start node.
    For simplicity we require that 
    there are no cycles in the data structure,
    i.e. we are dealing with a simple tree.
    node_queue = iter([start_node])
    while True:
            next_node = node_queue.next()
            yield next_node
            # Next get the children
            child_gen = next_node.get_children_generator()
            # The next code line is the one I am worried about
            # is it a good idea to make a chain of chains?
            node_queue = it.chain(node_queue, child_gen)
        except StopIteration:
            # There are no more nodes

node_queue = it.chain(node_queue, child_gen)行是遍历的好方法吗?制作一连串的链条等是个好主意吗?

这样你实际上就有了你可以执行的东西,这里有一个相当愚蠢的假人 node class。生成器有点无用,但假设在现实世界中评估 children 的示例有点昂贵并且确实需要生成器。

class Node(object):
    """Rather silly example of a nested node.

    The children are actually stored in a list,
    so the generator is actually not needed.
    But simply assume that returning a children
    requires a lazy evaluation.
    counter = 0 # Counter for node identification
    def __init__(self):
        self.children = [] # children list
        self.node_number = Node.counter # identifies the node
        Node.counter += 1
    def __repr__(self):
        return 'I am node #%d' % self.node_number
    def get_children_generator(self):
        """Returns a generator over children"""
        return (x for x in self.children)


node0 = Node()
node1 = Node()
node2 = Node()
node3 = Node()
node4 = Node()
node5 = Node()
node6 = Node()
node0.children = [node1, node2]
node1.children = [node6]
node2.children = [node3, node5]
node3.children = [node4]

for node in traverse_nodes(node0):


I am node #0

I am node #1

I am node #2

I am node #6

I am node #3

I am node #5

I am node #4

链接多个 chains 导致递归函数调用开销与链接在一起的 chains 的数量成正比。

首先,我们的纯 python chain 实现,这样我们就不会丢失堆栈信息。 C 实现是 here,您可以看到它基本上做同样的事情——在底层可迭代对象上调用 next()

from inspect import stack

def chain(it1, it2):
    for collection in [it1, it2]:
            for el in collection:
                yield el

        except StopIteration:

我们只关心 chain 的 2-iterables 版本。我们首先使用第一个 iterable,然后是另一个。

class VerboseListIterator(object):
    def __init__(self, collection, node):
        self.collection = collection
        self.node = node
        self.idx = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        print('Printing {}th child of "{}". Stack size: {}'.format(self.idx, self.node, len(stack())))
        if self.idx >= len(self.collection):
            raise StopIteration()

        self.idx += 1
        return self.collection[self.idx - 1]


class Node(object):
    """Rather silly example of a nested node.

    The children are actually stored in a list,
    so the generator is actually not needed.

    But simply assume that returning a children
    requires a lazy evaluation.

    counter = 0 # Counter for node identification

    def __init__(self):
        self.children = [] # children list
        self.node_number = Node.counter # identifies the node
        Node.counter += 1

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'I am node #%d' % self.node_number

    def get_children_generator(self):
        """Returns a generator over children"""
        return VerboseListIterator(self.children, self)

def traverse_nodes(start_node):
    """Traverses nodes in breadth first manner.

    First returns the start node.

    For simplicity we require that
    there are no cycles in the data structure,
    i.e. we are dealing with a simple tree.

    node_queue = iter([start_node])
    while True:
            next_node = next(node_queue)
            yield next_node

            # Next get the children
            child_gen = next_node.get_children_generator()

            # The next code line is the one I am worried about
            # is it a good idea to make a chain of chains?
            node_queue = chain(node_queue, child_gen)
        except StopIteration:
            # There are no more nodes

这些是您使用的 Python 版本 (3.4) 的实现。

nodes = [Node() for _ in range(10)]
nodes[0].children = nodes[1:6]
nodes[1].children = [nodes[6]]
nodes[2].children = [nodes[7]]
nodes[3].children = [nodes[8]]
nodes[4].children = [nodes[9]]

节点的图形初始化。根连接到前 5 个节点,这些节点依次连接到第 i + 5 个节点。

for node in traverse_nodes(nodes[0]):


I am node #0
Printing 0th child of "I am node #0". Stack size: 4
I am node #1
Printing 1th child of "I am node #0". Stack size: 5
I am node #2
Printing 2th child of "I am node #0". Stack size: 6
I am node #3
Printing 3th child of "I am node #0". Stack size: 7
I am node #4
Printing 4th child of "I am node #0". Stack size: 8
I am node #5
Printing 5th child of "I am node #0". Stack size: 9
Printing 0th child of "I am node #1". Stack size: 8
I am node #6
Printing 1th child of "I am node #1". Stack size: 9
Printing 0th child of "I am node #2". Stack size: 8
I am node #7
Printing 1th child of "I am node #2". Stack size: 9
Printing 0th child of "I am node #3". Stack size: 8
I am node #8
Printing 1th child of "I am node #3". Stack size: 9
Printing 0th child of "I am node #4". Stack size: 8
I am node #9
Printing 1th child of "I am node #4". Stack size: 9
Printing 0th child of "I am node #5". Stack size: 8
Printing 0th child of "I am node #6". Stack size: 7
Printing 0th child of "I am node #7". Stack size: 6
Printing 0th child of "I am node #8". Stack size: 5
Printing 0th child of "I am node #9". Stack size: 4

如您所见,我们越接近 node0 的子列表末尾,堆栈就越大。这是为什么?让我们仔细看看每个步骤 - 每个 chain 调用都被枚举以进行说明:

  1. node_queue = [node0]
  2. 调用了 next(node_queue),得到了 node0node_queue = chain1([node0], [node1, node2, node3, node4, node5]).
  3. next(node_queue)。列表[node0]被消费,正在消费第二个列表。 node1 被屈服,node_queue = chain2(chain1([node0], [node1, ...]), [node6]).
  4. 调用 next(node_queue) 向下传播到 chain1(从 chain2),并生成 node2node_queue = chain3(chain2(chain1([node0], [...]), [node6]), [node7]).
  5. 该模式继续到我们即将屈服时 node5:

    next(chain5(chain4, [node9]))
        next(chain4(chain3, [node8]))
            next(chain3(chain2, [node7]))
                next(chain2(chain1, [node6]))
                    next(chain1([node0], [node1, node2, node3, node4, node5]))

它比简单的 BFS/DFS 快吗?

而不是。单个 next(node_queue) 调用实际上会导致大量递归调用,与每个 BFS 中常规迭代器队列的大小成正比,或者简单地说 - 图中节点的最大子节点数量。


这是一个显示算法的 gif:http://i.imgur.com/hnPIVG4.gif