如何在整个文档和 MongoDB 中的所有子文档中搜索值的匹配项?

How to search for a match on values in whle document and all subdocuments in MongoDB?

我有一个 mongo 数据库,其中包含一个名为 store 的集合。

db.store.find() 在 mongo shell 上产生以下结果。

{ "_id" : ObjectId("575d6fab0cde6714290f444f"), "train" : "a", "data" : { "0" : { "this" : 21, "that" : 31, "value" : 11, "month" : 1 }, "3" : { "this" : 21, "that" : 34, "value" : 14, "month" : 2 } } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("575d6fab0cde6714290f4450"), "train" : "b", "data" : { "1" : { "this" : 22, "that" : 32, "value" : 12, "month" : 2 }, "4" : { "this" : 25, "that" : 35, "value" : 15, "month" : 1 } } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("575d6fab0cde6714290f4451"), "train" : "c", "data" : { "2" : { "this" : 22, "that" : 33, "value" : 13, "month" : 1 }, "5" : { "this" : 26, "that" : 36, "value" : 16, "month" : 2 } } }

我想在文档中搜索与某些 keys/values 匹配的所有 document/subdocument/field。

我应该如何搜索文档,以便搜索 {'this': 22} 的结果文档如下所示。

{ "_id" : ObjectId("575d6fab0cde6714290f4450"), "train" : "b", "data" : { "1" : { "this" : 22, "that" : 32, "value" : 12, "month" : 2 }, "4" : { "this" : 25, "that" : 35, "value" : 15, "month" : 1 } } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("575d6fab0cde6714290f4451"), "train" : "c", "data" : { "2" : { "this" : 22, "that" : 33, "value" : 13, "month" : 1 }, "5" : { "this" : 26, "that" : 36, "value" : 16, "month" : 2 } } }

类似地搜索 {'this': 21} 会在下方 return。

{ "_id" : ObjectId("575d6fab0cde6714290f444f"), "train" : "a", "data" : { "0" : { "this" : 21, "that" : 31, "value" : 11, "month" : 1 }, "3" : { "this" : 21, "that" : 34, "value" : 14, "month" : 2 } } }

我知道 db.store.find({'data.0.this':21}) 也会产生与上面 {'this': 21} 相同的结果,但这不是我在这里看到的,因为我不知道字段 data 将字段为 this 的字段文档。它可以是 data.0data.1data.2.


