Alpha-Beta 搜索截断了我的主要变体

Alpha-Beta search truncating my principal variation

我实现了 alpha-beta 搜索,将其结果添加到换位 table。然后,我从转置 table.


这似乎适用于浅层分析。然而,当我要求在 7 层深度进行分析时,我得到了这个:

7 [+1.00] 1.b1c3 a7a6 2.g1f3 a6a5 3.a6a5 

最后,重复一个动作。由于修剪,这最后一步被放置在 table 中,但它甚至不是白方的合法举动。很明显,打印不到7层。

这是对我的 alpha-beta 搜索代码的误解吗?

int ab_max(board *b, int alpha, int beta, int ply) {
    if (ply == 0) return evaluate(b);
    int num_children;
    move chosen_move = no_move;
    move *moves = board_moves(b, &num_children);
    assert(num_children > 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_children; i++) {
        apply(b, moves[i]);
        int score = ab_min(b, alpha, beta, ply - 1);
        if (score >= beta) {
            tt_put(b, (evaluation){moves[i], score, at_least, ply});
            unapply(b, moves[i]);
            return beta; // fail-hard
        if (score > alpha) {
            alpha = score;
            chosen_move = moves[i];
        unapply(b, moves[i]);
    tt_put(b, (evaluation){chosen_move, alpha, exact, ply});
    return alpha;

int ab_min(board *b, int alpha, int beta, int ply) {
    if (ply == 0) return evaluate(b);
    int num_children;
    move chosen_move = no_move;
    move *moves = board_moves(b, &num_children);
    assert(num_children > 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < num_children; i++) {
        apply(b, moves[i]);
        int score = ab_max(b, alpha, beta, ply - 1);
        if (score <= alpha) {
            tt_put(b, (evaluation){moves[i], score, at_most, ply});
            unapply(b, moves[i]);
            return alpha; // fail-hard
        if (score < beta) {
            beta = score;
            chosen_move = moves[i];
        unapply(b, moves[i]);
    tt_put(b, (evaluation){chosen_move, beta, exact, ply});
    return beta;


do {
        if (!b->black_to_move) printf("%d.", moveno++);
        char move[6];
        printf("%s ", move_to_string(eval->best, move));
        apply(b, eval->best);
        eval = tt_get(b);
    } while (eval != NULL && depth-- > 0);




然而,这里描述了更有趣的问题:Chess: Extracting the principal variation from the transposition table