将超链接放入 MessageBox

Putting a hyperlink in a MessageBox

是否可以将 hyperlink 添加到消息框?我正在尝试做这样的事情:

   MsgBox "Sorry, but you have an out-of-date database version.  Please redownload via the batch file to ensure that you have the latest version. Contact the administrator of this database or your manager if you need help." & vbCr _
        & vbCr _
        & "Your current database version is " & CurrentVer & " which may be out of date. The current database version prescribed on the network share is " & FileVer & ". They must match in order for you to proceed." & vbCr _
        & vbCr _
        & "For CSC self-help instructions on how to reload the most current version of the PRF Intake Tool to your computer, please click the link below to be directed to CSC Online instructions." & vbCr _
        & vbCr _
        & "http://www.OurSite.com/online/Solutions/Search_Results.asp?opsystem=7&keywords=PRF+Intake+Tool&Category=", , "There is a problem..."

问题是,hyperlink 不可点击。我想这样做,以便用户只需单击 link 即可自动开始下载。

我在 Win7 环境下使用 Access 2010。

一个直截了当的答案是。 MsgBox 不允许超链接,只能是纯文本。


Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

intMessage = MsgBox("Sorry, but you have an out-of-date database version.  Please redownload via the batch file to ensure that you have the latest version. Contact the administrator of this database or your manager if you need help." & vbCr _
        & vbCr _
        & "Your current database version is " & CurrentVer & " which may be out of date. The current database version prescribed on the network share is " & FileVer & ". They must match in order for you to proceed." & vbCr _
        & vbCr _
        & "Would you like to learn more about CSC self-help instructions on how to reload the most current version of the PRF Intake Tool to your computer?", _
        vbYesNo, "There is a problem...")

If intMessage = vbYes Then
    objShell.Run ("http://www.OurSite.com/online/Solutions/Search_Results.asp?opsystem=7&keywords=PRF+Intake+Tool&Category=")
End If

如果下划线样式是必需的,那么您应该按照 http://j-walk.com/ss/excel/tips/tip71.htm 中的描述创建您自己的用户表单。以下是步骤:

  1. 添加 Label 对象并输入消息
  2. 将标签设为蓝色 (ForeColor) 并加下划线 (Font),使其看起来像一个典型的超链接。
  3. 将 Label 的 MousePointer 属性 设置为 99 - fmMousePointerCustom
  4. 为标签的 MouseIcon 图像(如果有的话)指定光标文件。
  5. 双击 Label 并创建 Click 事件的子例程。这是示例代码:

    Private Sub Label1_Click()
      Link = "http://www.YOUR_SITE.com"
      On Error GoTo NoCanDo
      ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink Address:=Link, NewWindow:=True
      Unload Me
      Exit Sub
      MsgBox "Cannot open " & Link End Sub

要创建 "mail to" 超链接,请使用如下语句:

Link = "mailto:someone@somewhere.com"