无法在 Rails 5 控制器测试中设置会话哈希

Unable to set session hash in Rails 5 controller test

根据 Rails Edge Guide 所有 ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest HTTP 请求都采用可选的命名关键字参数:

get post_url, params: { id: 12 }, session: { user_id: 5 }


test 'should redirect from login page if user is logged in' do
  get '/login', session: { user_id: users(:stephen).id }
  assert_redirected_to root_url, 'Expected redirect to root'

当我 运行 它时,我的测试 失败 并且我看到以下弃用警告:

ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest HTTP request methods will accept only
the following keyword arguments in future Rails versions:
params, headers, env, xhr

很明显,rails 不允许我传递名为 session 的关键字参数。


test "some thing" do
  session[:user_id] = users(:stephen).id
  # etc

NoMethodError: undefined method `session' for nil:NilClass


test "some thing" do
  get '/login', nil, nil, { user_id: users(:stephen).id }
  # etc

会话哈希被忽略,并且出现关于 rails 仅接受 4 个不同命名参数的弃用警告。

还有其他人在使用 Rails 5.rc1 时遇到这种问题吗?


open_session do |sess|
  sess.get "/login", user_id: users(:stephen).id
  assert_redirected_to root_url, 'Expected redirect to root'

事实证明,控制器测试现在默认继承自 ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest,而 handles the behaviour I wanted 的代码位于 ActionController::TestCase 中。


1 - 修改您的控制器测试以继承自 ActionController::TestCase

class SessionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase

2 - 修改所有 http 请求调用以使用符号化操作名称而不是 url:

# so change this
get login_url

# to this
get :new

然后您应该可以像这样在您的请求中使用新的 kw_args

# now this will work fine
get :new, session: { user_id: user.id }

# and so will this
session[:user_id] = user.id

稍后我将在 github 上打开一个问题,因为我认为这种行为不是故意的。感谢@BoraMa 带我找到答案


delete cart_url(@cart), params: { 'session' => { :cart_id => @cart.id }}

在 Rails 5 中不再可能在控制器测试中访问会话:http://blog.napcs.com/2016/07/03/upgrading-rails-5-controller-tests/. The suggestion is to access the controller method that would set the appropriate session value for you. This comment shows and example of how you might work around this limitation: https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/23386#issuecomment-192954569

  # helper method
  def sign_in_as(name)
    post login_url, params: { sig: users(name).perishable_signature )

class SomeControllerTest
  setup { sign_in_as 'david' }

  test 'the truth' do