Azure Key Vault API 的有效 WebKeyTypes 列表是什么

What are the valid list of WebKeyTypes for Azure Key Vault API

我正在尝试在 Azure Key Vault via the API KeyVaultClient.CreateKeyAsync 中创建一个新密钥:

public Task<KeyBundle> CreateKeyAsync (
    string vaultAddress,
    string keyType,
    KeyAttributes keyAttributes)

keyType 的文档是:

The type of key to create (one of the valid WebKeyTypes)

什么是有效的 WebKeyType??

我搜索了 MSDN 文档,但没有找到任何内容。 Powershell调用好像不需要这个参数??:

Parameter Set: Create
          [-VaultName] <String> 
          [-Name] <String> 
          -Destination <String> {HSM | Software} 
          [-Expires <DateTime]> ] 
          [-KeyOps <String[]> ] 
          [-NotBefore <DateTime]> ] 
          [-Tags <System.Collections.Hashtable> ] 
          [ <CommonParameters>]

拆解 Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault.dll 后,CreateKeyAsync 想要的 KeyType 看起来像这样:

/// <summary>Supported JsonWebKey key types (kty)</summary>
public static class JsonWebKeyType
   public const string EllipticCurve = "EC";
   public const string Rsa = "RSA";
   public const string RsaHsm = "RSA-HSM";
   public const string Octet = "oct";    

我尝试使用 JsonWebKeyType.Octet,但现在我收到一个新错误,但这是一个新问题。

正在查看 Azure KeyVault SDK on Github, only thing I was able to find was JsonWebKeyTypes 的源代码。根据源代码,以下是可能的值:

public const string EllipticCurve = "EC";
public const string Rsa           = "RSA";
public const string RsaHsm        = "RSA-HSM";
public const string Octet         = "oct";

但是看着 REST API documentation,我相信目前只支持 RSARSA-HSM

它实际上记录在 Key Vault MSDN page:

The initial Azure Key Vault release supports RSA keys only; future releases may support other key types such as symmetric and elliptic curve.

  • RSA: A 2048bit RSA key. This is a "soft" key, which is processed in software by Key Vault but is stored encrypted at rest using a system key that is in an HSM. Clients may import an existing RSA key or request that Azure Key Vault generate one.
  • RSA-HSM: An RSA key that is processed in an HSM. RSA-HSM keys are protected in one of the Azure Key Vault HSM Security Worlds (there is a Security World per geography to maintain isolation). Clients may import a RSA key, either in soft form or by exporting from a compatible HSM device, or request that Azure Key Vault generate one. This key type adds the T attribute to the JWK obtain to carry the HSM key material.

截至撰写本文时,Key Vault 不支持 EC 和 oct 密钥。