使用 PHP 和 mysql 创建菜单层次结构引导程序

create a menu hierarchy bootstraps with PHP and mysql

对不起我的英语不好 我有一个 table 菜单: here is my table menus

所以我想问一下,如何根据table中的数据制作代码的过程.. 或者有人在这方面有任何参考吗?


public function all_tree()
        $nodes = $this->db->get('alus_menu_group')->result();
        return $this->getChildren($nodes, 0, 0);

public function getChildren($nodes ,$pid = 0, $depth = 0)
      $tree = array();

      foreach($nodes as $node) {

         if ($node->menu_parent == $pid) {

            if($depth == 0)
               if(!$this->getChildren1($nodes, $node->menu_id, ($depth + 1)))
                  $hasil = "<li class='dropdown'>
                      <a href='#' class='dropdown-toggle' data-toggle='dropdown'>".$node->menu_nama."</a>
                      <ul class='dropdown-menu'>";
                  $hasil .= $this->getChildren($nodes, $node->menu_id, ($depth + 1));

                  $hasil = "<li><a href=".base_url().$node->menu_uri." target=".$node->menu_target.">".$node->menu_nama."</a></li>";      
            if($depth == 1)
               if(!$this->getChildren1($nodes, $node->menu_id, ($depth + 1)))
                  $hasil = "<li class='dropdown-submenu'>
                      <a href='#'>".$node->menu_nama."</a>
                      <ul class='dropdown-menu'>";
                  $hasil .= $this->getChildren($nodes, $node->menu_id, ($depth + 1));

                  $hasil = "<li><a href=".base_url().$node->menu_uri." target=".$node->menu_target.">".$node->menu_nama."</a></li></ul></li>";      


            }if ($depth == 2) 
               $hasil = "<li><a href=".base_url().$node->menu_uri." target=".$node->menu_target.">".$node->menu_nama."2</a></li></ul></li></ul></li>";   

            $tree[]   = $hasil;

      return $tree;
    public function view()
$data['tree'] = $this->all_tree();

然后在 view.php 我正在做 foreach 。 有人可以帮忙吗?谢谢


Link from code.tutsplus.com



答案是这样的 -> http://pastebin.com/GAFvSew4谢谢大家