kibana 中的脚本字段出错

Error with scripted field in kibana

我的数据中有一个字符串字段 'somekey',我正尝试根据它的值在 Kibana 中生成一个数字脚本字段。这是我正在使用的:

doc['somekey'].value == "some-value" ? 0 : 1


Error: Request to Elasticsearch failed: 
{"error":"SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all 
shards failed; shardFailures {[lHSDLA_dRhGNHsfke75-kg][testindex][0]: 
query[ConstantScore(BooleanFilter(+cache(feed_ts:[1464719400000 TO 
1467311399999])))],from[-1],size[0]: Parse Failure [Failed to parse source 
\":{\"filters\":{\"filters\":{\"vend_position : 1\":{\"query\":{\"query_string
\":{\"analyze_wildcard\":true,\"query\":\"vend_position : 
\":\"doc['somekey'].value == \\"some-value\\" ? 0 : 1\",\"lang\":\"expression
\"}}}}}}}}]]]; nested: ExpressionScriptCompilationException[Failed to parse 
expression: doc['somekey'].value == \"some-value\" ? 0 : 1]; nested: 
ParseException[ unexpected character '\"' at position (27).]; nested: 
NoViableAltException; }]"}

如果表达式无效 - 为什么,是否有任何其他方法可以实现上述条件表达式在 kibana 中的作用?

Scripted field in Kibana use the Lucene expression scripts 自从 Groovy 脚本被认为是不安全的。

Lucene expression scripts only allow numeric expressions to be specified, which a string like "some-value" is not, so you'd need to actually create that other field at index time. You can also do it with an update by query plugin