Java JNA 在 Kernel32 中找不到命名管道函数

Java JNA cant find namedpipe functions in Kernel32

所以我有这个 "Beep" 函数可以工作,但是当我尝试任何 namedpipe 函数时它 returns :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Error looking up function 'WaitNamedPipe': The specified procedure could not be found.

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;

 * @author  
public class NamedPipeNativeFunctions {

     * Public Declare Function CallNamedPipe Lib "kernel32" Alias
     * "CallNamedPipeA" (ByVal lpNamedPipeName As String, lpInBuffer As Any,
     * ByVal nInBufferSize As Long, lpOutBuffer As Any, ByVal nOutBufferSize As
     * Long, lpBytesRead As Long, ByVal nTimeOut As Long) As Long
    public interface Kernel32 extends Library {
public long CallNamedPipe (String lpNamedPipeName,long  lpInBuffer ,long nInBufferSize, Pointer  lpOutBuffer,long nOutBufferSize, Pointer lpBytesRead, long  nTimeOut);
public boolean WaitNamedPipe(String lpNamedPipeName,
        int nTimeOut);
public boolean Beep(int FREQUENCY, int DURATION);

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        myClass myclass = new myClass () ; 
        myClass myclass2 = new myClass () ; 

        Pointer lpOutBuffer =  myclass.getPointer() ; 
        Pointer lpBytesRead  =myclass2.getPointer()  ; 

        Kernel32 lib = (Kernel32) Native.loadLibrary("kernel32", Kernel32.class);
        //lib.CallNamedPipe("1234TestPipe", 255, 255, lpOutBuffer , 255, lpBytesRead , 5000); 
        lib.Beep(698, 500); // works 
         boolean sucess =   lib.WaitNamedPipe("hgf" ,(int) 5000 ); // does not work 



WaitNamedPipe 是一个#define 并且是WaitNamedPipeAWaitNamedPipeW 取决于调用者分别使用ANSII 还是UNICODE。来源(参见 Unicode 和 ANSI 名称部分):