重载算术运算符 C++

overloading arithmetic operators c++

我刚开始学习 类 C++,我在处理重载算术运算符时遇到了很多问题。首先,在我的头文件中我有:

#ifndef MONEY_H
#define MONEY_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Money{
        Money(int dollars, int cents);
        Money(int dollars);
        int getDollars() const {return dollars;};
        int getCents() const {return cents;};
        void setDollarsAndCents(int dollars, int cents);
        double getAmount() const {return amount ;};
        void setAmount(double amount);

        // Define operator functions  for comparison operators
        friend bool operator==(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount);
        friend bool operator<(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount);
        friend bool operator>(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount);

        //Define operator functions for arithmetic operators
        friend Money operator+(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount);
        friend Money operator-(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount);
        friend Money operator*(const Money& money, int n);
        friend Money operator/(const Money& money, int n);

        //Define the output and input operator
        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& outStream, const Money& money);
        int dollars, cents;
        double amount;


  #include "Money.h"

// Construct a money object with dollars and cents
Money::Money(int newDollars, int newCents)
    dollars = newDollars;
    cents = newCents;
// Construct a money object with JUST the dollars
Money::Money(int newDollars)
    dollars = newDollars;
    cents = 0;
// Construct a money object with no arguments (default amount = 0)
    amount = 0.0;
// Set dollars and cents
void Money::setDollarsAndCents(int newDollars, int newCents)
    dollars = newDollars;
    cents = newCents;
// Set monetary amount
void Money::setAmount(double newAmount)
    //convert cents automatically if >= 100
    newAmount = dollars + cents/100.0;
    amount = newAmount;
// Test if two Money objects are equal or not
bool operator==(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount)
    return (firstAmount.amount == secondAmount.amount);
// Test if the first operand is less than the second operand
bool operator<(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount)
    return (firstAmount.amount < secondAmount.amount);
// Test if the first operand is greater than the second operand
bool operator>(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount) 
    return (firstAmount.amount > secondAmount.amount);
// Add two Money objects
Money operator+(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount)
    //assume cents < 100
    int carry = 0;
    int finalCents = firstAmount.cents + secondAmount.cents;

    if (finalCents >= 100){
        carry += 1;
        finalCents -= 100;
    int finalDollars = firstAmount.dollars + secondAmount.dollars + carry;

    return Money(finalDollars, finalCents);
// Subtract two Money objects
Money operator-(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount)
    int borrow = 0;
    int finalCents = firstAmount.cents - secondAmount.cents;
    if (finalCents < 0){
        finalCents += 100;
        borrow = 1;
    int finalDollars = firstAmount.dollars - secondAmount.dollars - borrow;
    return Money(finalDollars, finalCents);
// Multiply two Money objects
Money operator*(const Money& money, int n)
    return money.amount * n;
// Divide two Money objects
Money operator/(const Money& money, int n)
    int quotient = money.amount / n;
    // check if there isn't a remainder
    if ( quotient * n == 0)
        return money.amount / n;
    else // there's a remainder
        return money.dollars / n + money.cents / (n * 100);
// Define the output operator
ostream& operator<<(ostream& outputStream, const Money& money)
    outputStream << money.amount;
   return outputStream;

最后,在我的测试 Money.cpp 的主要方法中,我有:

#include "Money.h"
using namespace std;

int main()
    Money m1(-35),m2(53, 35);

    //Test operator == (false)
    cout << "m1 == m2 = " << (m1 == m2 ? "true" : "false")  << endl;

    Money m3(-35),m4(35); 

    //Test operator < (true)
    cout << "m3 < m4 = " << (m3 < m4 ? "true" : "false")  << endl;

    Money m5(-35),m6(53, 35); 

    //Test operator > (false)
    cout << "m5 > 6 = " << (m5 > m6 ? "true" : "false")  << endl;

    Money m7(12,50),m8(25,55); 
    // .50 & .50 = .05
    //Test operator +
    cout << "m7 + m8 = $" << (m7 + m8) << endl;

    //~ Money m9(5,75), m10(100); 
    //~ // .75 - 0 = $-94.25
    //~ //Test operator -
    //~ cout << "m9 - m10 = $" << m9 - m10 << endl;

    //~ Money m11(25,75);
    //~ int n = 5;
    //~ // .75 *  = 8.75
    //~ //Test operator *
    //~ cout << "m11 * m12 = $" << m11 * n << endl;

    //~ Money m13(115,75);
    //~ n = 3;
    //~ // 5.75 /  = .58333
    //~ //Test operator /
    //~ cout << "m13 / n = $" << m13 / n << endl;
    return 0;


显然,我得到了答案:m7 + m8 = .94066e-324。而答案应该是 38.05 美元。


问题是您的 operator << 输出了 amount 成员。然而它是未初始化的:

// Define the output operator
ostream& operator<<(ostream& outputStream, const Money& money)
    outputStream << money.amount;  // not initialized
    return outputStream;

如果您查看 main 中的 cout,您会发现:

(m7 + m8)

这个returns一个临时的Money对象,它将被复制构造(不是默认构造)。复制构造函数是编译器生成的(没关系,但请参阅下面我的评论)。由于 m7m8 都没有设置 amount,您将垃圾值复制到临时 Money 对象,因此是垃圾值。

此外,由于 double 变量 amount 未初始化,您的代码调用了未定义的行为,编译器生成的复制构造函数将一个垃圾双精度值复制到另一个双精度精度。您永远不想尝试操作未初始化的浮点变量,除非操作涉及初始化变量。

最重要的是,当你构造你的对象时,你应该努力将所有 成员初始化为一个已定义的状态。是否使指针为 NULL,是否使双精度等于 0,等等。您的成员变量应设置为有效状态。

您在本例中使用的构造函数重载未设置 'amount'。

Money::Money(int newDollars, int newCents)
    dollars = newDollars;
    cents = newCents;


Money operator+(const Money& firstAmount, const Money& secondAmount)
    //assume cents < 100
    int carry = 0;
    int finalCents = firstAmount.cents + secondAmount.cents;

    if (finalCents >= 100){
        carry += 1;
        finalCents -= 100;
    int finalDollars = firstAmount.dollars + secondAmount.dollars + carry;

    return Money(finalDollars, finalCents);

您的 operator<< 显示 amount 并且未初始化。

您应该在所有构造函数重载中设置 amount。这可能最好通过让它们都调用一个在一个地方执行初始化的私有函数来实现。

更好地摆脱这种以 2 种表示形式(dollars/cents 和数量)存储值的重复性。仅将其存储为其中之一,维护起来会简单得多。

另请注意,如果您调用无参数构造函数,您的 dollars 和 cents 成员变量同样未初始化。