Apache POI XDGF 是否也是只读的

Is Apache POI XDGF also read only

我在此处了解到 HDGF 实现是只读的: http://poi.apache.org/diagram/


Currently, HDGF provides a low-level, read-only api for accessing Visio documents. It also provides a way to extract the textual content from a file.

我需要确定 XDGF 实现是否也是只读的。文档没有提到它。有人用过吗?

XDGF 的入口点是 XmlVisioDocument。如果您查看 XDGF XmlVisioDocument JavaDocs 的顶部,您将看到以下内容:

This is your high-level starting point for working with Visio XML documents (.vsdx). Currently, only read support has been implemented, and the API is not mature and is subject to change



至于为什么网站上没有...目前有an outstanding Apache "Help Wanted" task for improving the XDGF documentation,希望能给您带来帮助:)