我如何解压缩一个用 zlib 压缩的 NSString

How do I decompress an NSString I have that was compressed with zlib

我有一个 NSString(例如 eNoLycgsVgChvILSEoWS1IoSPQBFZgb4),它是我从 Web 服务器获得的,它只是使用 zlib 压缩的普通字符串。我如何在 Objective-C 中解压它?我找到了一些库,但它们只接受完整文件,而不是简单的字符串。

好的,根据上面的内容,您似乎并不真正知道格式是什么 - 但它似乎是 ZLib deflate,Base64 编码。无耻地抄袭其他 Whosebug 答案,这里有一段代码可以解压缩您的数据:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <zlib.h>

int main( int argc, const char * argv[] )
        NSLog( @"Starting..." );

        NSString      * base64String     = @"eJwLycgsVgChvILSEoWS1IoSPQBFZgb4";
        NSData        * compressedData   = [ [ NSData alloc ] initWithBase64EncodedString: base64String options: 0 ];
        NSUInteger      full_length      = [ compressedData length ];
        NSUInteger      half_length      = [ compressedData length ] / 2;
        NSMutableData * decompressedData = [ NSMutableData dataWithLength: full_length + half_length ];
        BOOL            done             = NO;
        int             status;
        z_stream        strm;

        strm.next_in   = ( Bytef * )[ compressedData bytes  ];
        strm.avail_in  = ( unsigned int ) full_length;
        strm.total_out = 0;
        strm.zalloc    = Z_NULL;
        strm.zfree     = Z_NULL;

        if ( inflateInit2( &strm, ( 15 + 32 ) ) != Z_OK )
            NSLog( @"Could not initialise ZLib" );
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

        while ( done == NO )
            // Make sure we have enough room and reset the lengths.

            if ( strm.total_out >= [ decompressedData length ] )
                [ decompressedData increaseLengthBy: half_length ];

            strm.next_out  = [ decompressedData mutableBytes ] + strm.total_out;
            strm.avail_out = ( unsigned int )( [ decompressedData length ] - strm.total_out );

            // Inflate another chunk.

            status = inflate( &strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );

            if ( status == Z_STREAM_END )
                done = YES;
            else if ( status != Z_OK )
                NSLog( @"Decompression failed with status %i", status );

        if ( inflateEnd( &strm ) != Z_OK )
            NSLog( @"Could not complete decompression" );
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

        // Set real length.

        if ( done )
            [ decompressedData setLength: strm.total_out ];

            NSString * string = [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithData: decompressedData
                                                         encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding ];

            NSLog( @"String: %@", string );
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

    NSLog( @"...Success" );

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

当 运行 时,打印如下内容:

2016-06-16 12:40:14.454 Objective Z[82569:7532295] Starting...
2016-06-16 12:40:14.455 Objective Z[82569:7532295] String: This is input text.
2016-06-16 12:40:14.455 Objective Z[82569:7532295] ...Success
Program ended with exit code: 0

您需要确保 link 反对 ZLib。在 XCode 中项目的构建阶段部分,在 "Link Binary With Libraries" 下,“+”按钮提供了一个可搜索的弹出窗口;寻找 "libz"。这可能不会出现在 iOS 上;它存在于 OS X SDK 中;这超出了这个答案的范围,如果您遇到问题,Google 无疑会迅速给出答案。