在本地主机上使用 python 脚本将文件 (scp) 和 运行 命令从 jumpserver 传输到最终服务器

Transfer file(scp) and run command from jumpserver to finalserver using python script on localhost

需要将文件上传到最终服务器,并且需要 运行 使用该文件作为输入的命令。

以下是执行整个操作的步骤(但我卡在了第 3 步):

1 - 将文件从本地主机传输到 jumpserver(使用 scp)

2 - ssh 到 jumpserver

3 - 将文件从 jumpserver 传输到 finalserver(使用 scp)

4 - ssh 到最终服务器

5 - 运行 finalserver 上的命令(以文件作为输入)

    cmd_str = "scp " + file_path + " " + user + "@" + jumpbox + ":/tmp/"
    print "---------local to jumpbox initiated:"
    #print cmd_str

    child = pexpect.spawn(cmd_str) #-------------------------------------------------------step 1
    #pwd = raw_input("please enter password along with yubikey:")
    pwd = getpass.getpass("Enter password along with yubikey:")
    i = child.expect(['Permission denied', filename])
    if i==0:
        print "Permission denied on host. Can't login"
        pwd = getpass.getpass("Enter password along with yubikey:")
    elif i==1:
        print "file successfully transferred to jumpbox"

        #----SSHing into jumpbox
        ssh_jump_cmd = "ssh " + user + "@" + jumpbox 
        print ssh_jump_cmd
        ssh_child = pexpect.spawn(ssh_jump_cmd) #-------------------------------------------------------step 2
        pwd2 = getpass.getpass("Enter password along with yubikey:")
        i2 = ssh_child.expect(['Permission denied', '[#$]'])
        if i2 == 0:
            print "Permission denied on host. Can't login. Try again"
            pwd2 = getpass.getpass("Enter password along with yubikey:")
        elif i2 == 1:
            print "--------------Inside Jumpbox:"

            #sending file from jumpbox to finalserver
            ba_cmd = "scp /tmp/"+ filename + " " + cmd_var + ":/tmp/"
            print ba_cmd
            ba_child = pexpect.spawn(ba_cmd) #-------------------------------------------------------step 3
            ba_child.expect("Enter passphrase for key:")
            phrase = getpass.getpass("Enter passphrase: ")
            print "Password should be asked:"
            i3 = ba_child.expect(['Enter passphrase for key', 'Permission denied', filename])
            if i3 == 0: 
                phrase = getpass.getpass("Enter passphrase: ")
            elif i3 == 1:
                print "Lost connection:"
            elif i3 == 2: 
                ssh_ba_cmd = "ssh " + smba
                ba_ssh_child = pexpect.spawn(ssh_ba_cmd) #-------------------------------------------------------step 4
                ba_ssh_child.expect("Enter passphrase for key: ")
                phrase = getpass.getpass("Enter passphrase: ")
                i4 = ba_ssh_child.expect(['Permission denied', '[#$]'])
                if i4 == 0:
                    print "Passphrase incorrect. Exiting"

                elif i4 == 1:
                    final_cmd = "ls -l" + filename #- just an example for this question
                    final_child = pexpect.spawn(final_cmd)
                    print "********************"
                    print sys.stdout

我使用 Python Pexpect 生成子节点并成功通过 SSH 连接到 jumpserver。当脚本尝试从 jumpserver 到 finalserver 的 SCP 时,会生成以下错误:

scp /tmp/filename finalserver:/tmp/
End Of File (EOF). Exception style platform.
<pexpect.spawn object at 0x7efddfdad650>
version: 3.1
command: /usr/bin/scp
args: ['/usr/bin/scp', 'filename', 'finalserver:/tmp/']
searcher: <pexpect.searcher_re object at 0x7efddfdad5d0>
buffer (last 100 chars): ''
before (last 100 chars): 'ssh: Could not resolve hostname finalserver: Name or service not known\r\r\nlost connection\r\n'
after: <class 'pexpect.EOF'>
match: None
match_index: None
exitstatus: 1
flag_eof: True
pid: 7244
child_fd: 5
closed: False
timeout: 30
delimiter: <class 'pexpect.EOF'>
logfile: None
logfile_read: None
logfile_send: None
maxread: 2000
ignorecase: False
searchwindowsize: None
delaybeforesend: 0.05
delayafterclose: 0.1
delayafterterminate: 0.1

我经历了 但仍然需要帮助。



import paramiko 
local_path = "foo/bar"
remote_path = "bar/foo"
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect("remote_url", username='username')
sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
ssh.exec_command('mkdir -p '+ remote_path)
sftp.put(local_path, remote_path)
>    ba_child = pexpect.spawn(ba_cmd)

您正在生成一个新的本地 child。您应该改为将 scp 命令发送到 ssh_child,它是跳转服务器上的 运行 和 shell。

