如何读取 ecmwf 文件上的日期和时间

how to read date and time on ecmwf file

我在 netcdf 文件中有全球数据集。数据文件的时间信息为:

<type 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable'>
int32 time(time)
    units: hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:0.0
    long_name: time
    calendar: gregorian
unlimited dimensions: time
current shape = (5875,)
filling off


array([ 876600,  876624,  876648, ..., 1017528, 1017552, 1017576], dtype=int32) 

我的问题是如何将此数组转换为正确的日期格式? [注意:这是每日数据集,数组中的数字对应于 1900-01-01 的一个小时]


from datetime import date, timedelta

hours = [ 876600,  876624,  876648, 1017528, 1017552, 1017576]
base = date(1900, 1, 1)
for hour in hours:
    base + timedelta(hours=hour)


如果您需要 hour 等信息,请使用 datetime 而不是 date

或使用 pd.DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame(hours, columns=['hours'])
df['date'] = df.hours.apply(lambda x: base + timedelta(hours=x))

     hours        date
0   876600  2000-01-02
1   876624  2000-01-03
2   876648  2000-01-04
3  1017528  2016-01-30
4  1017552  2016-01-31
5  1017576  2016-02-01

使用 .apply 的解决方案效率极低,更不用说非惯用的和丑陋的了。 pandas 已经内置了进行时间增量转换的矢量化方法。

In [17]: hours = [ 876600,  876624,  876648, 1017528, 1017552, 1017576]*10000

In [18]: df = pd.DataFrame(hours, columns=['hours'])

In [19]: %timeit df.hours.apply(lambda x: base + timedelta(hours=x))
10 loops, best of 3: 74.2 ms per loop

In [21]: %timeit pd.to_timedelta(df.hours, unit='h') + Timestamp(base)
100 loops, best of 3: 11.3 ms per loop

In [23]: (pd.to_timedelta(df.hours, unit='h') + Timestamp(base)).head()
0   2000-01-02
1   2000-01-03
2   2000-01-04
3   2016-01-30
4   2016-01-31
Name: hours, dtype: datetime64[ns]

执行此操作的理想方法是使用 netCDF4 num2date

import netCDF4

ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset('./foo.nc', 'r')
time = ncfile.variables['time']
dates = netCDF4.num2date(time[:], time.units, time.calendar)