
calculate the spatial dimension of a graph


例如通过构造,假设我们有图 G,其中点 A、B、C 和距离 AB=BC=CA=1。从 A(0 维)开始,我们在距离 1(1 维)处添加 B,现在我们发现需要第二维来添加 C 并满足约束。是否存在执行此操作的代码并吐出(在本例中)dim(G) = 2?

例如如果这些点是照片,并且它们之间的距离是通过 Gist 算法计算的 (http://people.csail.mit.edu/torralba/code/spatialenvelope/),我希望导出的维度与 Gist 考虑的图像参数数量相匹配。

补充:这是一个基于建议的 5-d python 演示 - 看似完美! 'similarities'是距离矩阵。

import numpy as np

from sklearn import manifold

similarities = [[0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], 
                [1., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1.],
                [1., 1., 0., 1., 1., 1.],
                [1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 1.],
                [1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 1.],
                [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 0]]

seed = np.random.RandomState(seed=3)

for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
    mds = manifold.MDS(n_components=i, max_iter=3000, eps=1e-9, random_state=seed,
               dissimilarity="precomputed", n_jobs=1)
    print("%d %f" % (i, mds.fit(similarities).stress_))


1 3.333333
2 1.071797
3 0.343146
4 0.151531
5 0.000000

我发现,当我将此方法应用于我的数据子集时(文件名中带有“11”的 329 张图片之间的距离,使用两个不同的指标),压力不会像我线性地降低到 0从上面期望 - 它在大约 5 个维度后趋于平稳。 (在 SURF 结果上,我尝试将 max_iter 加倍,并在不改变前四位结果的情况下,将 eps 逐个改变一个数量级。)

事实证明,在 ~0.02% 的三角形中,距离不满足三角形不等式,对于所检查的一个指标,平均违规大约等于平均距离的 8%。

总的来说,我更喜欢排序距离的分形维数,因为它不需要选择截止值。我将 MDS 响应标记为答案,因为它适用于一致的情况。我的分形维数和 MDS 情况的结果如下。

另一个描述性统计结果是三角违规。下面将对此进行进一步的结果。如果有人可以推广到更高的维度,那将非常有趣(结果和学习 python :-)。

MDS 结果,忽略三角不等式问题:

N_dim                  stress_
              SURF_match        GIST_match
   1      83859853704.027344   913512153794.477295
   2      24402474549.902721   238300303503.782837
   3      14335187473.611954   107098797170.304825
   4      10714833228.199451    67612051749.697998
   5       9451321873.828577    49802989323.714806
   6       8984077614.154467    40987031663.725784
   7       8748071137.806602    35715876839.391762
   8       8623980894.453981    32780605791.135693
   9       8580736361.368249    31323719065.684353
  10       8558536956.142039    30372127335.209297
 100       8544120093.395177    28786825401.178596
1000       8544192695.435946    28786840008.666389


1.1 * stress_at_dim=100

导致命题SURF_match在5..6有准维数,而GIST_match在8..9有准维数。我很好奇是否有人认为这意味着什么:-)。另一个问题是对于这两个指标在任何维度上的相对压力大小是否有任何有意义的解释。这里有一些结果可以正确看待它。 Frac_d 是排序距离的分形维数,根据 Higuchi 的方法使用 IQM 的代码计算,Dim 是如上所述的维数。

Method        Frac_d  Dim       stress(100)              stress(1)
Lab_CIE94     1.1458   3   2114107376961504.750000  33238672000252052.000000
Greyscale     1.0490   8        42238951082.465477      1454262245593.781250    
HS_12x12      1.0889  19        33661589105.972816      3616806311396.510254
HS_24x24      1.1298  35        16070009781.315575      4349496176228.410645    
HS_48x48      1.1854  64         7231079366.861403      4836919775090.241211
GIST          1.2312   9        28786830336.332951       997666139720.167114
HOG_250_words 1.3114  10        10120761644.659481       150327274044.045624
HOG_500_words 1.3543  13         4740814068.779779        70999988871.696045
HOG_1k_words  1.3805  15         2364984044.641845        38619752999.224922
SIFT_1k_words 1.5706  11         1930289338.112194        18095265606.237080
SURFFAST_200w 1.3829   8         2778256463.307569        40011821579.313110
SRFFAST_250_w 1.3754   8         2591204993.421285        35829689692.319153
SRFFAST_500_w 1.4551  10         1620830296.777577        21609765416.960484
SURFFAST_1k_w 1.5023  14          949543059.290031        13039001089.887533
SURFFAST_4k_w 1.5690  19          582893432.960562         5016304129.389058

查看 table 的列之间的 Pearson 相关性:

                   Pearson correlation    2-tailed p-value
FracDim, Dim:     (-0.23333296587402277, 0.40262625206429864)
Dim, Stress(100): (-0.24513480360257348, 0.37854224076180676)
Dim, Stress(1):   (-0.24497740363489209, 0.37885820835053186)
Stress(100),S(1): ( 0.99999998200931084, 8.9357374620135412e-50)
FracDim, S(100):  (-0.27516440489210137, 0.32091019789264791)
FracDim, S(1):    (-0.27528621200454373, 0.32068731053608879)


import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr

file = sys.argv[1]
col1 = int(sys.argv[2])
col2 = int(sys.argv[3])

arr1 = []
arr2 = []

with open(file, "r") as ins:
    for line in ins:
        words = line.split()

narr1 = np.array(arr1)
narr2 = np.array(arr2)

# normalize
narr1 -= narr1.mean(0)
narr2 -= narr2.mean(0)

# standardize
narr1 /= narr1.std(0)
narr2 /= narr2.std(0)

print pearsonr(narr1, narr2)

关于各种指标违反三角不等式的次数,全部针对顺序为“11”的 329 张图片:

(1) n_violations/triangles 
(2) avg violation
(3) avg distance
(4) avg violation / avg distance

          n_vio    (1)        (2)            (3)          (4)

lab      186402  0.031986 157120.407286 795782.437570 0.197441

grey     126902  0.021776   1323.551315   5036.899585 0.262771
600px    120566  0.020689   1339.299040   5106.055953 0.262296

Gist      69269  0.011886   1252.289855   4240.768117 0.295298

12^3      25323  0.004345    791.203886   7305.977862 0.108295
24^3       7398  0.001269    525.981752   8538.276549 0.061603
32^3       5404  0.000927    446.044597   8827.910112 0.050527
48^3       5026  0.000862    640.310784   9095.378790 0.070400
64^3       3994  0.000685    614.752879   9270.282684 0.066314
98^3       3451  0.000592    576.815995   9409.094095 0.061304
128^3      1923  0.000330    531.054082   9549.109033 0.055613

12^3      25190  0.004323    790.258158   7313.379003 0.108057
24^3       7531  0.001292    526.027221   8560.853557 0.061446
32^3       5463  0.000937    449.759107   8847.079639 0.050837
48^3       5327  0.000914    645.766473   9106.240103 0.070915
64^3       4382  0.000752    634.000685   9272.151040 0.068377
128^3      2156  0.000370    544.644712   9515.696642 0.057236

12x12      7882  0.001353    950.321873   7555.464323 0.125779
24x24      1740  0.000299    900.577586   8227.559169 0.109459
48x48      1137  0.000195    661.389622   8653.085004 0.076434
64x64      1134  0.000195    697.298942   8776.086144 0.079454 

12x12      6898  0.001184    943.319078   7564.309456 0.124707
24x24      1790  0.000307    908.031844   8237.927256 0.110226
48x48      1267  0.000217    693.607735   8647.060308 0.080213
64x64      1289  0.000221    682.567106   8761.325172 0.077907

250       53782  0.009229    675.056004   1968.357004 0.342954
500       18680  0.003205    559.354979   1431.803914 0.390665
1k         9330  0.001601    771.307074    970.307130 0.794910
4k         5587  0.000959    993.062824    650.037429 1.527701

500       26466  0.004542   1267.833182   1073.692611 1.180816
1k        16489  0.002829   1598.830736    824.586293 1.938949
4k        10528  0.001807   1918.068294    533.492373 3.595306

250       38162  0.006549    630.098999   1006.401837 0.626091
500       19853  0.003407    901.724525    830.596690 1.085635
1k        10659  0.001829   1310.348063    648.191424 2.021545
4k         8988  0.001542   1488.200156    419.794008 3.545072


import sys
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import sortedcontainers
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
from sklearn import manifold

seed = np.random.RandomState(seed=3)

pairs = sys.argv[1]

ss = SortedSet()

print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), "counting/indexing"

with open(pairs, "r") as ins:
    for line in ins:
        words = line.split()

N = len(ss)

print time.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), "size ", N

sim = np.diag(np.zeros(N))

dtot = 0.0

with open(pairs, "r") as ins:
    for line in ins:
        words = line.split()
        i = ss.index(words[0])
        j = ss.index(words[1])
        #val = math.log(float(words[2]))
        #val = math.sqrt(float(words[2]))
        val = float(words[2])
        sim[i][j] = val
        sim[j][i] = val
        dtot += val

avgd = dtot / (N * (N-1))

ntri = 0
nvio = 0
vio = 0.0

for i in xrange(1, N):
    for j in xrange(i+1, N):
        d1 = sim[i][j]
        for k in xrange(j+1, N):
            ntri += 1
            d2 = sim[i][k]
            d3 = sim[j][k]
            dd = d1 + d2
            diff = d3 - dd
            if (diff > 0.0):
                nvio += 1
                vio += diff

avgvio = 0.0
if (nvio > 0):
    avgvio = vio / nvio

print("tot: %d %f %f %f %f" % (nvio, (float(nvio)/ntri), avgvio, avgd, (avgvio/avgd)))

这是我尝试 sklearn 的 Isomap 的方法:

for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
    # nbrs < points
    iso = manifold.Isomap(n_neighbors=nbrs, n_components=i,
                      eigen_solver="auto", tol=1e-9, max_iter=3000,
                      path_method="auto", neighbors_algorithm="auto")
    dis = euclidean_distances(iso.fit(sim).embedding_)
    stress = ((dis.ravel() - sim.ravel()) ** 2).sum() / 2

Given a graph (say fully-connected), and a list of distances between all the points, is there an available way to calculate the number of dimensions required to instantiate the graph?

是的。就图论而言,这个问题属于更一般的主题,称为 "Graph Embedding".

E.g. by construction, say we have graph G with points A, B, C and distances AB=BC=CA=1. Starting from A (0 dimensions) we add B at distance 1 (1 dimension), now we find that a 2nd dimension is needed to add C and satisfy the constraints. Does code exist to do this and spit out (in this case) dim(G) = 2?

这几乎就是 Multidimensional Scaling 的工作方式。

多维缩放 (MDS) 不能准确回答 "How many dimensions would I need to represent this point cloud / graph?" 的问题,但它 return 有足够的信息来近似它。

Multidimensional Scaling methods 将尝试找到一个 "good mapping" 来减少维数,比如从 120(在原来的 space 中)减少到 4(在另一个 space 中) .因此,在某种程度上,您可以迭代地尝试不同的嵌入来增加维数,并查看每个嵌入的 "stress"(或错误)。您所追求的维数是误差突然最小化的第一个数。

由于其工作方式,Classical MDS 可以 return 新映射的特征值向量。通过检查这个特征值向量,您可以确定需要保留多少条目才能实现原始数据集的(足够好或低错误)表示。

这里的关键概念是 "similarity" 矩阵,它是图形距离矩阵(您似乎已经有了)的奇特名称,与它的语义无关。

嵌入算法,一般来说,试图找到一个可能看起来不同的嵌入,但在一天结束时,新 space 中的点云最终将具有相似的(取决于如何我们可以承受的误差)距离矩阵。

就代码而言,我确信所有主要的科学计算包中都有一些可用的东西,但我可以立即向您指出 Python and MATLAB 代码示例。

E.g. if the points are photos, and the distances between them calculated by the Gist algorithm (http://people.csail.mit.edu/torralba/code/spatialenvelope/), I would expect the derived dimension to match the number image parameters considered by Gist

不完全是。这是一个非常好的用例。在这种情况下,什么 MDS return,或者你将用 dimensionality reduction in general would be to check how many of these features seem to be required to represent your dataset. Therefore, depending on the scenes, or, depending on the dataset, you might realise that not all of these features are necessary for a good enough representation of the whole dataset. (In addition, you might want to have a look at this link 探测什么)。


首先,您可以假设任何数据集的维度最多为 4 或 5。要获得更多相关维度,您需要一百万个元素(或类似数量)。 显然,您已经计算了距离。您确定它实际上是一个相关指标吗?对于距离很远的图像是否有效?也许您可以尝试 Isomap(测地线距离,仅从近邻开始)并查看您嵌入的 space 是否实际上不是欧几里得。