Selenium JSON 有线协议与 Webdriver 有线协议

Selenium JSON Wire Protocol vs Webdriver Wire Protocol

我看到JSON Wire Protocol is obsolete and the Webdriver Wire Protocol是新的实现。

我想了解要在 Webdriver Wire Protocol and how it is different from the JSON Wire Protocol 中实施哪些更改?


JSON Wire Protocol 		 WebDriver Wire Protocol
version 			 browserVersion
platform 			 platformName
noProxy 			 noproxy
UnknownCommand 			 unknown command
NoSuchFrame 			 no such frame
NoSuchElement 			 no such element
StaleElementReference 		 stale element reference
ElementIsNotSelectable 		 element not selectable
JavaScriptError 		 javascript error
Timeout 			 timeout
NoSuchWindow 			 no such window
InvalidCookieDomain 		 invalid cookie domain
ScriptTimeout  			 script timeout
SessionNotCreatedException 	 session not created
MoveTargetOutOfBounds 		 move target out of bounds
NoAlertOpenError 		 no such alert
InvalidElementCoordinates 	 invalid coordinates
stackTrace 			 stacktrace


两个 API 的版本历史在 another question 中有详细说明。
