如何设置 Eclipse EGit 以在没有身份验证错误的情况下连接到 MS Team Foundation Server?

How to setup Eclipse EGit to connect to the MS Team Foundation Server without authentification error?

我是 运行 VM 中的 Ubuntu x64。公司网络中有一个 TFS,其中包含 git 个存储库。通过命令行使用 git 时,我可以轻松克隆复制品吗?切换到 Eclipse 并使用 EGit 时失败并显示:

"http://tfs:8080/tfs/myPrj: authentication not supported:
http://tfs:8080/tfs/myPrj: authentication not supported"

当我安装 MS TFS Eclipse 插件时,我遇到了同样的错误。知道如何解决这个问题吗?

查看 Alex Rukhlin 在 this post 中的回复:

The fact that EGit Import Wizard cannot clone the Git repository from TFS, either tells me that the issue is in that JGit functionality that both (TEE and EGit) wizards use.

We're digging into the problem trying to figure out if it's fixed in some of recent EGit/JGit versions.