将多个 Excel 文件导入一个 Access table 时如何添加文件名

How to add file name when importing multiple Excel files to one Access table

我正在使用 Access VBA 将多个 Excel 文件导入我的 Access 数据库。这将是一个每月处理 20-50 个文件和 10-60K 条记录的过程。我需要包含一个 "Application name" ,它不包含在电子表格文件本身中,但在其文件名中。我不想手动将应用程序名称添加到 Excel 文件,而是希望通过我的 VBA 代码添加它。

我不精通 Access,大部分内容都是通过搜索如何完成拼凑而成的。这 "works" 但是当我 运行 它在较大的批次上时,我收到错误“运行-time error '3035': System resource exceeded.'当我删除添加文件名(循环记录)的部分时,它 运行 没问题。我认为这是因为步骤没有有效排序?任何帮助将不胜感激。

 Public Function Import_System_Access_Reports()

 Dim strFolder As String
 Dim db As DAO.Database
 Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
 Dim fld As DAO.Field
 Dim rstTable As DAO.Recordset
 Dim strFile As String
 Dim strTable As String
 Dim lngPos As Long
 Dim strExtension As String
 Dim lngFileType As Long
 Dim strSQL As String
 Dim strFullFileName As String

 With Application.FileDialog(4) ' msoFileDialogFolderPicker
     If .Show Then
         strFolder = .SelectedItems(1)
         MsgBox "No folder specified!", vbCritical
         Exit Function
     End If
 End With
 If Right(strFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
     strFolder = strFolder & "\"
 End If
 strFile = Dir(strFolder & "*.xls*")
 Do While strFile <> ""

     lngPos = InStrRev(strFile, ".")
     strTable = "RawData"
     'MsgBox "table is:" & strTable
     strExtension = Mid(strFile, lngPos + 1)
     Select Case strExtension
         Case "xls"
             lngFileType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9
         Case "xlsx", "xlsm"
             lngFileType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml
         Case "xlsb"
             lngFileType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12
     End Select
    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet _
         TransferType:=acImport, _
         SpreadsheetType:=lngFileType, _
         TableName:=strTable, _
         FileName:=strFolder & strFile, _
         HasFieldNames:=True ' or False if no headers

'Add and populate the new field
 'set the full file name
 strFullFileName = strFolder & strFile

 Set db = CurrentDb()
 Set tdf = db.TableDefs(strTable)

 'Add the field to the table.
 'tdf.Fields.Append tdf.CreateField("FileName", dbText, 255)

 'Create Recordset
 Set rstTable = db.OpenRecordset(strTable)

 'Loop records
 Do Until rstTable.EOF
 If (IsNull(rstTable("FileName")) Or rstTable("FileName") = "") Then
     rstTable("FileName") = strFile
     End If

     strFile = Dir

 'Move to the next file
     'Clean up
     Set fld = Nothing
     Set tdf = Nothing
     Set db = Nothing
     Set rstTable = Nothing

End Function

代码更简单,如果去掉 Recordset,运行 时的性能应该会好得多。您可以在每个 TransferSpreadsheet

Dim strFolder As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strFile As String
Dim strTable As String
Dim strExtension As String
Dim lngFileType As Long
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFullFileName As String
Dim varPieces As Variant

' --------------------------------------------------------
'* I left out the part where the user selects strFolder *'
' --------------------------------------------------------

strTable = "RawData" '<- this could be a constant instead of a variable
Set db = CurrentDb()
' make the UPDATE a parameter query ...
strSQL = "UPDATE [" & strTable & "] SET FileName=[pFileName]" & vbCrLf & _
    "WHERE FileName Is Null OR FileName='';"
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef(vbNullString, strSQL)

strFile = Dir(strFolder & "*.xls*")
Do While Len(strFile) > 0
    varPieces = Split(strFile, ".")
    strExtension = varPieces(UBound(varPieces))
    Select Case strExtension
    Case "xls"
        lngFileType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9
    Case "xlsx", "xlsm"
        lngFileType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml
    Case "xlsb"
        lngFileType = acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12
    End Select
    strFullFileName = strFolder & strFile
    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet _
            TransferType:=acImport, _
            SpreadsheetType:=lngFileType, _
            TableName:=strTable, _
            FileName:=strFullFileName, _
            HasFieldNames:=True ' or False if no headers

    ' supply the parameter value for the UPDATE and execute it ...        
    qdf.Parameters("pFileName").Value = strFile
    qdf.Execute dbFailOnError

    'Move to the next file
    strFile = Dir