Matlab - 查找直线和周长之间的坐标

Matlab - Find Coordinates between a straight line and a perimeter

我分割了一只鼠标并使用 bwlabel 获取了它的图像属性。因此我可以访问质心的位置和鼠标的方向。我还使用 bwperim.




% E is a 2*2 matrix containing the coordinates of the centroid and the
% coordinates of the point which belong to the straight line and making 
% the right angle given by the orientation
coeffs = polyfit(E(:,1),E(:,2),1);
% Create the equation of the straight line
x = 1:width;
yfit = coeffs(1)*x+coeffs(2);
% Make sure there are only int values.
yfit = uint16(yfit);

我将我的值转换为 uint16 因为我想填充一个新矩阵,我将与包含周长的矩阵进行比较。这就是我接下来要做的事情:

% Create a matrix of zeros and set to 1 all the pixels which belong to the
% straight line 
k = 1;
temp = false;
m = false(size(iPerim));
while temp~=true
    temp = false;
    if yfit(k) > 0
        temp = true;
    k = k+1;
[t,p] = ind2sub(size(m), find(m==1));
minM = [min(p),min(t)];
% complete the straight line to don't have little holes
x = linspace(minM(1),D(1),width);
y = coeffs(1)*x+coeffs(2);
idx = sub2ind(size(m),round(y),round(x));
m(idx) = 1;

然后我将 m 与包含我的周长的矩阵 iPerim 进行比较:

% Compare the matrix of the perimeter and the matrix of the straight line
% and find the two points in common. It is the points where the straight
% line cut the perimeter
p = m & iPerim;
% Extract thoses coordinates 
[coordsY,coordsX] = ind2sub(size(p), find(p==1));

嗯,我是 Matlab 的新用户,所以我认为这不是一个优雅的解决方案,但结果是:


我绘制 yfit 的周长


有人能解决我的问题吗?当然,我会采纳有关我的代码的任何建议 :)




[xLine, yLine] = find(m);    % x,y positions of the line
dX = abs(xline-E(2,1))       % x-distance to x-coordinate of direction-point
dY = abs(yLine-E(2,2))       % y-distance to y-coordinate of direction-point
distP =  sqrt(dX.^2+dY.^2)   % distance of line-points to directon-point
[~,indMin] = min(distP);     % index of line-point which has the minimum distance
xPoint = xLine(indMin(1)); 
yPoint = yLine(indMin(1));


来自关于 ind2sub 的 Matlab 文档:

For matrices, [I,J] = ind2sub(size(A),find(A>5)) returns the same values as [I,J] = find(A>5).