Google Cloud Storage FUSE - 使用 gcsfuse 会填满本地实例内存

Google Cloud Storage FUSE - Using gcsfuse fills up local instance memory

我已经使用 gcsfuse (FUSE) 几个星期了,一切都 运行 顺利,直到我的实例磁盘 (10GB) 突然被填满。


应该是上传到云端吧?那么为什么它占用 space 就好像它被算作本地实例 space?



从 gcsfuse 文档粘贴

Local storage: Objects that are new or modified will be stored in their entirety in a local temporary file until they are closed or synced. When working with large files, be sure you have enough local storage capacity for temporary copies of the files, particularly if you are working with Google Compute Engine instances. For more information, see the readme documentation.