在 Eclipse 中重新排列文档 IDE

Rearrange docs in Eclipse IDE



/** Places the spinner on the screen on specified co-ordinates and customized drop down menu.It can be used for various option selection purpose.

 * @param options The list of items the that is to be shown in the spinner's drop down menu.
 * @param xCordinate The start point of the this view along x [To be given in cell number].
 * @param yCordinate The start point of the this view along y [To be given in cell number].
 * @param spinnerTextSize Text size of the text that is displayed on the spinner.
 * @param spinnerTextColorCode The color of the text on the spinner,stored in database.[HTML color codes or Hex codes].
 * @param spinnerWidth The width of the spinner.
 * @param fontSize Text size of the text that is displayed on the spinner's drop down menu.
 * @param fontColorCode The color of the text(stored in database) on the spinner's drop down menu.[HTML color codes or Hex codes].
 * @param dropDownBackgroundColorCode The background color of the spinner's drop down menu,stored in database.[HTML color codes or Hex codes].

public void spinner( int[] options, int xCoordinate , int yCoordinate, final float spinnerTextSize, int spinnerTextColorCode, int spinnerWidth, float fontSize, int fontColorCode, int dropDownBackgroundColorCode);


public void spinner(int spinnerId, int xCordinate, int yCordinate,int spinnerWidth,final int spinnerTextSize,float fontSize,int spinnerTextColorCode,int fontColorCode,int dropDownBackgroundColorCode,int[] 选项)

您可以使用 Eclipse 的重构功能来完成此操作。方法如下:

右键单击要更改的方法。 Refactor -> Change Method Signature... 或简单地使用 Alt-Shift-C。在弹出的菜单中,您可以随意更改方法。在您的情况下,您需要移动参数。 Select 一个参数并使用 UpDown 按钮重新排列参数列表。只要参数名称匹配,这也会重新排列文档。

我也想提点意见。您可能想研究伸缩反模式和使用 Builder 模式来绕过这个陷阱。