Haskell - 树的预序编号
Haskell - Preorder Numbering of Tree
data Tree a = Nil1 | Node1 a [Tree a]
data NumTree a = Nil2 | Node2 (a,Int) [NumTree a]
numberTree :: Num a => Tree a -> NumTree a
这将 return 在预购中编号 NumTree a
numberTree tree = numberTree' tree 1
numberTree' :: Num a => Tree a -> Int -> NumTree a
numberTree' Nil1 _ = Nil2
numberTree' (Node1 num list) x = (Node2 (num,x) (myMap x numberTree list))
你可以在这里使用 mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
The mapAccumL
function behaves like a combination of map
and foldl
; it applies a function to each element of a list, passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new list.
查看类型,尝试连接匹配的电线,然后 main 函数看起来像
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
data Tree a = Nil1 | Node1 a [Tree a] deriving Show
data NumTree a = Nil2 | Node2 (a,Int) [NumTree a] deriving Show
numberTree :: Tree a -> NumTree a
numberTree tree = tree2
(_, [tree2]) = mapAccumL g 1 [tree]
g n Nil1 = (n, Nil2)
g n (Node1 x trees) = (z, Node2 (x,n) trees2)
(z, trees2) = ....
mapAccumL g (n+1) 棵树
不需要 Num a =>
> numberTree (Node1 1.1 [Node1 2.2 [ Node1 3.3 [], Nil1], Node1 4.4 [] ])
Node2 (1.1,1) [Node2 (2.2,2) [Node2 (3.3,3) [],Nil2],Node2 (4.4,4) []]
这是 State
monad 的一个很好的用途,它负责通过访问每个节点的递归调用线程化用于为每个节点编号的值。
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
data Tree a = Nil1 | Node1 a [Tree a] deriving (Show)
data NumTree a = Nil2 | Node2 (a,Int) [NumTree a] deriving (Show)
numberTree :: Tree a -> NumTree a
numberTree Nil1 = Nil2
numberTree tree = evalState (numberTree' tree) 0
-- The state stores the value used to number the root
-- of the current tree. Fetch it with get, and put back
-- the number to use for the next root.
-- numberTree' is then used to number each child tree
-- in order before returning a new NumTree value.
numberTree' :: Tree a -> State Int (NumTree a)
numberTree' Nil1 = return Nil2
numberTree' (Node1 root children) = do rootNum <- get
put (rootNum + 1)
newChildren <- mapM numberTree' children
return (Node2 (root, rootNum) newChildren)
data Tree a = Nil1 | Node1 a [Tree a]
data NumTree a = Nil2 | Node2 (a,Int) [NumTree a]
numberTree :: Num a => Tree a -> NumTree a
这将 return 在预购中编号 NumTree a
numberTree tree = numberTree' tree 1
numberTree' :: Num a => Tree a -> Int -> NumTree a
numberTree' Nil1 _ = Nil2
numberTree' (Node1 num list) x = (Node2 (num,x) (myMap x numberTree list))
你可以在这里使用 mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
function behaves like a combination ofmap
; it applies a function to each element of a list, passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new list.
查看类型,尝试连接匹配的电线,然后 main 函数看起来像
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
data Tree a = Nil1 | Node1 a [Tree a] deriving Show
data NumTree a = Nil2 | Node2 (a,Int) [NumTree a] deriving Show
numberTree :: Tree a -> NumTree a
numberTree tree = tree2
(_, [tree2]) = mapAccumL g 1 [tree]
g n Nil1 = (n, Nil2)
g n (Node1 x trees) = (z, Node2 (x,n) trees2)
(z, trees2) = ....
mapAccumL g (n+1) 棵树
不需要 Num a =>
> numberTree (Node1 1.1 [Node1 2.2 [ Node1 3.3 [], Nil1], Node1 4.4 [] ])
Node2 (1.1,1) [Node2 (2.2,2) [Node2 (3.3,3) [],Nil2],Node2 (4.4,4) []]
这是 State
monad 的一个很好的用途,它负责通过访问每个节点的递归调用线程化用于为每个节点编号的值。
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
data Tree a = Nil1 | Node1 a [Tree a] deriving (Show)
data NumTree a = Nil2 | Node2 (a,Int) [NumTree a] deriving (Show)
numberTree :: Tree a -> NumTree a
numberTree Nil1 = Nil2
numberTree tree = evalState (numberTree' tree) 0
-- The state stores the value used to number the root
-- of the current tree. Fetch it with get, and put back
-- the number to use for the next root.
-- numberTree' is then used to number each child tree
-- in order before returning a new NumTree value.
numberTree' :: Tree a -> State Int (NumTree a)
numberTree' Nil1 = return Nil2
numberTree' (Node1 root children) = do rootNum <- get
put (rootNum + 1)
newChildren <- mapM numberTree' children
return (Node2 (root, rootNum) newChildren)